Mental fortitude


6/17/202490 min read

Copyright © Kishore Nanda 2023 All Rights Reserved.

This book has been published with all efforts taken to make the material error-free after the consent of the author. However, the author and the publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Table of contents

Chapter-1: Don’t be an emotional fool

Chapter-2: How to overcome your emotional pain?

Chapter-3: How to become mentally strong?

Chapter-4: How to not waste your time?

Chapter-5:How to create a goal in your life?

Chapter-6: Never be sad for your problems

Chapter-7: Benefits of doing meditation

Chapter-8 :There is no shortcut for success

Chapter-9:Always be there to the people who are emotionally weak.

Chapter-10:Everything happens for a reason in your life


Don’t be an emotional fool

Emotions are a natural and integral part of being human. We all experience emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, and fear at different points in our lives. While it's healthy to express our emotions, it becomes problematic when we lose control over them. Excessive emotional behavior can lead to negative outcomes in our personal and professional lives.

When we become too emotional towards the people in our lives, we tend to lose our objectivity and perspective. This can result in poor decision-making and impaired thinking ability, making us vulnerable to making mistakes that could have long-term consequences. Excessive emotional behavior can also make us feel overwhelmed and stressed, affecting our mental and physical health.

For example, let's say you are in a romantic relationship, and you become overly emotional towards your partner. You invest a lot of time, effort, and emotions into the relationship, and when it hits a rough patch, you may feel hurt and betrayed. This could lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, affecting your ability to focus on other areas of your life, such as work or personal goals.

In addition, becoming too attached to materialistic things in life, such as money or fame, can also lead to excessive emotional behavior. If we attach too much value to these external factors, we can become consumed by them, leading to an unhealthy obsession with maintaining our status or wealth. This can lead to a lack of fulfillment and happiness, as we become trapped in a never-ending cycle of wanting more and more.

One way to manage excessive emotional behavior is to develop emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. By developing emotional intelligence, we can learn to regulate our emotions, think more clearly, and make better decisions.

Emotional regulation is important for individuals in different professions as it helps them to maintain their composure and make objective decisions in their work.

Let's consider four different professions: police officers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and business people, and how emotional regulation plays a role in their work.

Police Officers: Police officers are responsible for maintaining law and order in society. They face high-pressure situations every day, and it's important for them to remain calm and collected. If a police officer becomes emotional during an interrogation, they may not be able to extract the information they need to solve a crime. Emotional regulation helps police officers make objective decisions, assess situations effectively, and react appropriately to different scenarios.

Doctors: Doctors work in high-stress environments, dealing with patients who may be in pain, critically ill, or suffering from life-threatening conditions. If a doctor becomes emotional while treating a patient, they may not be able to provide the care required. Emotional regulation is essential for doctors to make objective decisions, remain calm during emergencies, and communicate effectively with patients and their families.

Lawyers: Lawyers and judges must remain impartial during court proceedings. If a lawyer becomes emotional while defending or prosecuting a case, they may not be able to present their arguments effectively. Emotional regulation helps lawyers and judges make objective decisions based on the evidence presented and the law.

Politicians: Politicians are responsible for making decisions that affect society. If a politician becomes emotional during a crisis, they may not be able to make rational decisions. Emotional regulation is important for politicians to remain calm, think clearly, and make objective decisions that benefit their constituents.

Business people: Business people are responsible for managing their organizations and making decisions that affect their employees and customers. If a business person becomes emotional during a crisis or when making important decisions, they may not be able to think objectively and make sound judgments. Emotional regulation helps business people remain calm, assess situations accurately, and make objective decisions that benefit their organizations.

In the TV show "Money Heist", the leading character "The Professor" is a mastermind who plans and executes a bank robbery. Initially, he is very rational and focused on his goal of completing the heist successfully. However, when he falls in love with a cop who he meets during the heist, his emotional attachment to her starts to cloud his judgment.

This emotional attachment leads him to make poor decisions and lose his thinking ability. When the cop he loves accepts to become a part of his team, she eventually gets caught, which further intensifies the Professor's emotional turmoil. He is so overwhelmed with emotion that he is unable to give proper instructions to his team, causing them to face difficulties and almost jeopardizing the entire operation.

However, later on, the Professor realizes his mistake and regains his emotional strength. He realizes that his emotional attachment to the cop was interfering with his ability to think rationally and make sound decisions. As a result, he takes firm decisions and provides clear instructions to his team, allowing them to successfully complete the heist.

This example highlights the importance of emotional balance in decision making. It shows that being too emotional can cause us to lose sight of our goals and make poor decisions that can have serious consequences. However, it also demonstrates that it is possible to regain emotional strength and make sound decisions by acknowledging our emotions, regaining our balance, and focusing on our goals.

Few ways which can make you emotionaly strong:

Finding solutions to your problems: One of the key traits of emotional strength is the ability to solve problems. Life is full of challenges, and finding solutions to those problems is essential for personal growth. Instead of focusing on the problem, try to focus on finding solutions. Breaking down the problem into smaller parts can help you understand it better, and you can find a way out of it.

Here are some examples of how individuals can demonstrate emotional strength by finding solutions to common problems in life:

1. Work-related Stress:

  • Problem: Feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work due to a heavy workload.

  • Solution: Break down the problem into smaller parts by prioritizing tasks, delegating when possible, and setting realistic goals. Develop time management skills and consider discussing workload concerns with your supervisor.

2. Health and Fitness:

  • Problem: Struggling with weight management and unhealthy eating habits.

  • Solution: Divide the problem into manageable steps. Start with setting a specific, achievable weight loss goal. Create a meal plan, incorporate regular exercise, and seek support from a nutritionist or fitness coach.

3. Relationship Issues:

  • Problem: Frequent conflicts with a significant other.

  • Solution: Understand that communication is key. Break down the problem by addressing specific issues, actively listening, and seeking compromises. Consider couples therapy or relationship counseling to improve communication and resolve deeper issues.

4. Financial Challenges:

  • Problem: Accumulating credit card debt and struggling to save money.

  • Solution: Divide the problem by creating a detailed budget and cutting unnecessary expenses. Explore debt consolidation options and seek financial advice to develop a debt repayment plan.

5. Academic Pressure:

  • Problem: Feeling overwhelmed by academic responsibilities and poor grades.

  • Solution: Break down the problem by creating a study schedule, seeking help from teachers or tutors, and improving study habits. Consider time management techniques and stress-reduction strategies.

6. Emotional Well-being:

  • Problem: Experiencing chronic anxiety or depression.

  • Solution: Seek professional help from a therapist or counselor. Break down the problem by addressing specific symptoms, learning coping strategies, and developing a mental health treatment plan.

7. Career Advancement:

  • Problem: Feeling stuck in your career and lacking opportunities for growth.

  • Solution: Identify areas for improvement and set career goals. Network, seek mentorship, and invest in further education or skill development to enhance your qualifications.

8. Personal Development:

  • Problem: Struggling with self-confidence and low self-esteem.

  • Solution: Break down the problem by identifying specific aspects that need improvement. Work on self-acceptance, set achievable personal development goals, and seek support from a therapist or self-help resources.

Resisting your emotional pain and being tolerant: Emotional pain can be overwhelming, and it can affect your mental and physical health. However, it's crucial to resist emotional pain and be tolerant of it. Acknowledge your emotions and feelings, but don't let them control your life. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from emotional pain, and it's essential to develop it to become emotionally strong.

Being practical: Being practical means approaching situations with a clear mind and logical thinking. Emotional strength requires practicality, and it means being able to see things for what they are and make decisions based on facts and evidence, rather than emotions.

Doing meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for developing emotional strength. It helps you clear your mind and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Practicing meditation regularly can help you develop a sense of calmness and inner peace, which can make you more resilient to emotional challenges.

Develop a growth mindset: Emotionally strong people have a growth mindset. They believe that their abilities and intelligence can be improved with effort and practice. They view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than obstacles to be avoided.

· Try to be neutral about yout emotions:

Being neutral about your emotions, also known as emotional detachment or emotional equanimity, is about maintaining a balanced and mindful approach to your feelings, rather than being excessively carried away by extreme emotions. This emotional neutrality can lead to greater emotional resilience and stability. Let's explore this concept in detail with some examples:

1. Success and Achievements:

  • Extreme Reaction: Imagine you receive a promotion at work, and you become excessively excited. While celebrating success is natural, becoming overly elated might lead to unrealistic expectations and added pressure to maintain this level of achievement.

  • Emotional Neutrality: Instead of getting carried away by excitement, practice emotional neutrality. Acknowledge your accomplishment, appreciate your efforts, and plan for future goals. This balanced approach helps you maintain focus and avoid the emotional roller coaster that can come with success.

2. Relationships and Love:

  • Extreme Reaction: Falling head over heels in love with someone can be wonderful, but becoming overly attached can lead to emotional dependence and vulnerability. When a relationship faces challenges or ends, it can result in intense sadness or depression.

  • Emotional Neutrality: While it's important to cherish and appreciate your loved ones, emotional neutrality means not losing yourself entirely in a relationship. Maintain your own identity, interests, and boundaries. This way, if the relationship changes or ends, you're better equipped to handle it with resilience and a sense of self.

3. Failures and Breakups:

  • Extreme Reaction: Experiencing a failure or a breakup can lead to intense feelings of sadness, disappointment, or even despair. These emotions can be overwhelming and make it challenging to move forward.

  • Emotional Neutrality: When facing setbacks, allow yourself to feel the emotions, but don't let them define you. Understand that failures are a part of life, and relationships can change. Practice self-compassion and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Emotional neutrality helps you process these emotions without being consumed by them.

4. Self-Improvement and Growth:

  • Extreme Reaction: Becoming overly critical or disappointed in yourself when you don't meet personal goals can be counterproductive. It may lead to self-doubt and hinder your motivation to continue trying.

  • Emotional Neutrality: Approach self-improvement with a balanced perspective. Set realistic goals, acknowledge your progress, and learn from your setbacks. Instead of harsh self-criticism, use failures as opportunities for growth. Emotional neutrality fosters a healthy self-image and resilience in the face of challenges.

· Try to learn to be positive and optimistic even in your worst part of life.

Learning to be positive and optimistic even in the worst parts of life is a valuable skill that can enhance your mental and emotional well-being. It involves adopting a hopeful outlook and focusing on constructive thinking patterns, even when facing adversity. Here's a detailed explanation with an example:

Understanding Positivity and Optimism:

Positivity and optimism are closely related but slightly different concepts:

  • Positivity involves maintaining a positive attitude and mindset, which can help you better cope with challenges and setbacks. It's about finding the silver lining in difficult situations and emphasizing the good aspects of life.

  • Optimism is the belief that things will eventually work out for the best. It's having faith in a positive outcome, even when circumstances seem bleak.

For example lets say tha you've lost your job, and it feels like a major setback and you're struggling with financial stress and uncertainty about the future.So, instead of being emotional you should adopt positivity in your life and be determined until you find new job.

· Stop trusting people in your life quickly:

Being cautious about trusting people too quickly is a prudent approach to protect yourself from potential harm, manipulation, or disappointment. Building trust and emotional bonds should ideally be a gradual process that allows you to get to know someone's character and intentions. Let's delve into this concept in detail with an example:

Example: The Pitfalls of Trusting Too Quickly

Scenario: You've recently moved to a new city and are looking to make new friends. You meet someone, Jitesh, who seems friendly and shares some common interests with you.

Trusting Too Quickly:

1. Immediate Trust: You quickly open up to Jitesh, sharing personal information, vulnerabilities, and your life story. You feel an instant connection and believe that he's a genuine and trustworthy friend.

2. Overlooking Red Flags: Over time, you notice some behavior from Jitesh that raises concerns. He frequently asks for favors, often borrowing money, and seems overly interested in your personal life and finances. However, you ignore these red flags because of the trust you've already invested in her.

3. Manipulation and Betrayal: As time goes on, you discover that Jitesh was manipulating you for her own gain. He never had sincere intentions of building a true friendship but rather saw you as an easy target for financial support. You feel hurt, used, and betrayed.

Developing Healthy Trust and Boundaries:

1. Cautious Approach: Instead of immediately trusting Jitesh, you take a cautious approach to new friendships. You engage in casual conversations, get to know his interests, and spend time together without sharing your deepest vulnerabilities upfront.

2. Observe Behavior: You pay attention to Jitesh's actions and behavior over time. This allows you to assess whether her words align with her actions. Are his intentions genuine, or is there a pattern of manipulation or self-interest?

3. Establish Boundaries: As you get to know Jitesh better, you set boundaries in the friendship. This includes being clear about your own limits and expectations, such as not lending money to acquaintances.

4. Gradual Trust Building: Over several months, you gradually build trust based on Jitesh's consistent and trustworthy behavior. You start sharing more personal information as the friendship deepens.

5. Healthy Friendship: As trust develops, you find that your friendship with Jitesh is built on mutual respect, shared values, and genuine care for each other's well-being. You feel more confident that this friendship is grounded in authenticity.

Lessons Learned:

In this example, trusting too quickly led to vulnerability and manipulation, which can have emotional and even financial consequences. By taking a more cautious and deliberate approach to forming relationships, you can protect yourself from potential harm and build healthier, more genuine connections over time.

While it's essential to be open to new friendships and relationships, it's equally important to exercise discernment, observe behavior, and set boundaries to ensure that trust is earned and well-placed. This approach allows you to foster meaningful and lasting connections with people who genuinely deserve your trust and emotional bonds.


How to overcome your emotional pain?

Emotional pain is often subjective and can vary from person to person. It can be caused by a range of factors, such as loss, trauma, rejection, betrayal, and failure, among others. Emotional pain can manifest in various ways, including anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, and shame.

Unlike physical pain, which is often visible and tangible, emotional pain can be hidden and difficult to express. It can also be challenging to diagnose and treat because it is not always clear what is causing the pain or how to alleviate it. While medication can help manage some of the symptoms associated with emotional pain, it is usually not enough to address the underlying issues.

That's why therapy and counseling are often recommended for people experiencing emotional pain. Through therapy, individuals can explore their feelings, identify the root causes of their pain, and develop coping strategies to manage their emotions. It can be a long and challenging process, but with the right support, it is possible to heal from emotional pain and live a fulfilling life.

The emotional pain depends on the intensity of your love on your loved one.If you are very intense then it might take even years to overcome your emotional pain without any remidies.If you are emotional person then it could be very hard for you.If we compare emotional pain with physical pain the results of emotional pain have more impact on us.There are few stages in emotional pain like

Stage – 1

In this stage you will go through lot of emotional pain, sometimes it could be even severe.

Stage – 2

In this stage you will start gaining control over your pain and you will resist the pain.Eventhough you still miss someone or something, you will start managing your pain.

Stage - 3

This is the last stage of your emotional pain,in this stage you will recover from your emotional pain and move on.

The time lapse of these three stage might be different from person to person. For some people it might be weeks, or for some people it might be months and for some people it might be years. Because emotional pain quite opposite to physical pain and emotional pain doesn’t have any medications. The emotional pain requires lot of mental support.

There are many types of emotional pains in your life like,

Fear of something: This can be any type of fear, such as fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, or fear of death. It can be a normal response to a dangerous or uncertain situation, but when it becomes overwhelming and interferes with daily life, it can lead to anxiety disorders and other mental health problems.

Losing your loved one: Losing someone you love can be one of the most difficult experiences in life, and it can cause a lot of emotional pain. The grief process can take time and involve different stages, such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Facing traumatic situation: Trauma can occur from a range of experiences, including physical or sexual assault, accidents, natural disasters, and war. Trauma can lead to symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression.

Stress of something: Stress can be caused by many different factors, such as work, finances, relationships, or health problems. Chronic stress can lead to physical and mental health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and anxiety disorders.

Guilt: Guilt is a feeling of remorse or responsibility for a wrong action or behavior. It can lead to feelings of shame, self-blame, and low self-esteem.

Rejection: Rejection can be experienced in many forms, such as rejection from a romantic partner, rejection from a job opportunity, or rejection from a social group. It can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, and self-doubt.

Grief: Grief is a natural response to loss, such as the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship. It can involve a range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, guilt, and loneliness.

Loneliness: Loneliness is a feeling of social isolation or lack of connection with others. It can be caused by a range of factors, such as moving to a new place, losing a loved one, or having a busy schedule.

Failure: Failure can lead to feelings of disappointment, shame, and self-doubt. It can be a normal part of life and a learning opportunity, but it can also be a source of emotional pain if it is experienced frequently or is not handled in a healthy way.

Suppression of your desires: Suppressing your desires or needs can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and unhappiness. It can be important to identify and express your needs in order to improve your well-being.

Relationship issues: Relationship issues can include conflicts with romantic partners, family members, or friends. These conflicts can lead to feelings of anger, sadness, and frustration, and can impact your mental health and well-being

There are few things which you could try if you have emotional pain:

Sharing your pain with others: Keeping your emotional pain to yourself can make it worse over time. It's important to have a support system that you can turn to when you're struggling. Talking to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or spouse, can help you feel less alone and provide you with emotional support. You may also find that sharing your pain with others can give you a different perspective and help you see things in a new light.

Meditation and yoga: Meditation and yoga can be helpful for managing emotional pain. They are practices that help you to be more present in the moment and connect with your breath and body. They can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are often associated with emotional pain. By practicing these techniques regularly, you can build resilience and learn to cope with difficult emotions more effectively.

Focusing on happy memories: It's easy to get stuck in a negative thought pattern when you're experiencing emotional pain. One way to break out of this pattern is to focus on happy memories. Try to remember the good times you shared with your loved one, and reflect on the positive qualities they brought to your life. This can help to balance out the negative thoughts and emotions you may be experiencing.

Accepting impermanence: One of the hardest things about emotional pain is accepting that it is a natural part of life. Nothing in life is permanent, and everything eventually comes to an end. It's important to remember that even though you may be experiencing pain now, it won't last forever. By focusing on your responsibilities and obligations, you can find a sense of purpose and meaning in your life that can help you to move forward.

Focusing on work or goals: Focusing on work or goals can be a helpful distraction from emotional pain. It can give you a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of control over your life. By setting realistic goals and working towards them, you can build your self-confidence and feel a sense of purpose.

Consult a psychologist and reveal your emotional pain: Seeking professional help is a great way to gain mental strength and support when dealing with emotional pain. There's no shame in seeking help from a psychologist or other mental health professional, as they can provide valuable insights and tools to help us cope with our pain.

Accept the fact that your loved one has left you and try to move on in your life. It can be difficult to accept that a loved one has left us, but it's important to acknowledge this fact and try to move on with our lives. Holding onto the past can prevent us from living fully in the present and can make it harder to find happiness in the future.

Don’t run away from your pain and adopt addictions, because this will never take your pain away instead it creates long-term problems. When we experience emotional pain, it's tempting to try to numb the pain with drugs, alcohol, or other addictive behaviors. However, this can create long-term problems and make our pain worse in the long run. It's important to face our pain head-on and work through it in healthy ways.

Get a pet, because this can make you take care of it and this could make you forget about your emotional pain. Pets can be great companions and can provide us with a sense of purpose and meaning. Taking care of a pet can also help us forget about our emotional pain for a while and focus on something positive.

Don’t listen to sad songs because it will make you stuck in emotional pain, instead listen to enthusiastic or happy songs. The music we listen to can have a powerful impact on our mood and emotions. When we're feeling down, it's important to avoid sad songs and focus on music that is upbeat and positive. This can help lift our spirits and give us a much-needed boost of energy and positivity.

Share your emotional pain to the people whom you trust: It is always advisable to share your emotional pain with someone whom you trust. Talking about your feelings with someone close can give you a different perspective and help you to see the situation in a new light. They can support you, encourage you, and help you to feel better.

Start writing your pain in a diary if you have no one to listen: Sometimes, there may be no one to listen to your emotional pain. In such situations, you can write down your feelings in a diary. Writing can be a great way to release your emotions and express your feelings. It can also help you to gain a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings.

Start doing yoga or Meditation: Yoga and meditation are excellent practices to calm your mind and reduce stress. They can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and also help you to develop a more positive outlook towards life.

Consult a psychologist: If you are struggling with emotional pain, seeking help from a psychologist or therapist can be a good idea. They can provide you with a safe space to talk about your feelings, offer you practical solutions, and help you to develop coping strategies.

Start reading motivational or philosophical books: Reading motivational or philosophical books can provide you with a fresh perspective on your situation. They can offer you insights into how other people have dealt with similar issues, and also give you practical tips and advice to help you overcome your emotional pain.

Pray to God and visit the temple often: If you are a religious person, praying to God and visiting the temple can help you to find peace and solace. It can also provide you with a sense of community and support.

Being positive even in worst scenarios: Being positive and optimistic can help you to deal with your emotional pain. Even in the worst scenarios, try to find something positive to focus on. This can help you to stay motivated and resilient.

Never lose your hope: No matter how difficult the situation may seem, never lose your hope. Believe that things will get better, and keep working towards your goals. This can help you to stay motivated and positive.

Be courageous: Dealing with emotional pain requires a lot of courage. Be brave enough to face your emotions, and take steps towards healing and recovery.

Learn to be tolerant: Tolerance is an important quality that can help you to deal with emotional pain. Try to be patient and understanding towards yourself and others. This can help you to develop resilience and empathy.


I will give few examples to convince you,we all watch circket and we do support our country and we wish to win the game.Lets say that there is a game between india and Australia,in the end india lost the game. So, some cores of people are disappointed from India and some lakhs of people are happy from Australia.From this example,will Australians become sad that they Indian fans are grieving? Or will they be happy for their country’s success?

Of course Australians will be happy for their teams success,not only but also any other country fans does the same.

What I am trying to convince you is that, every thing in this world is balanced equally and there is no priority to either of the result.

In the same way,even in your life everything is balanced and understand how the universe runs and live your life without expecting too much from this wor


How to become mentally strong

When you are physically weak then you by eating good food and by doing regular exercise, you can become physically strong. Whereas, if you want to become mentally strong then are there any exercises available?

The answer is yes, there are few mental exercises available, where by doing and implementing in your life, you can become mentally strong. Being mentally strong is very mandatory these days, because we often encounter many kinds of problems, circumstances, difficult situations, pressures in our daily life. And in order to confront them you have to be mentally strong.Mentaly strong people are those,who can fight against any kind of circumstance and find solution for any kind problems and also can take good decision in any kind of stress. These kinds of mentally strong people are found in the form of most successful people around us in this world.Prior discussing about the ways to become mentally strong,let know how mentally strong people behave.

It's important to note that mental strength is not about suppressing emotions or prioritizing money over all else.

Mentally strong individuals tend to exhibit the following behaviors:

They acknowledge and accept their emotions:

Mentally strong people understand that emotions are a natural part of being human and that suppressing or avoiding them can be detrimental to their mental health. They are able to recognize and identify their emotions, both positive and negative, and are willing to experience them fully. By acknowledging and accepting their emotions, mentally strong individuals are able to better understand themselves and their reactions to different situations.

For example, if a mentally strong person is feeling sad or anxious, they will allow themselves to feel those emotions without judgment or shame. They might take the time to reflect on why they are feeling that way and consider ways to address the underlying issue. On the other hand, if they are feeling happy or excited, they will embrace those emotions and allow themselves to fully enjoy the moment.

By accepting and acknowledging their emotions, mentally strong individuals are also better equipped to communicate their feelings to others. This can lead to healthier relationships and improved overall emotional well-being. Additionally, by being aware of their emotions, mentally strong individuals can avoid acting impulsively or making decisions based solely on their emotional state.

Overall, accepting and acknowledging emotions is an important part of being mentally strong. It allows individuals to better understand themselves and their reactions to different situations, communicate effectively with others, and make more informed decisions.

They are resilient:

Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from adversity, setbacks, or difficult situations. Mentally strong people are resilient because they understand that setbacks are a natural part of life and that they can be opportunities for growth and development. They do not let failures or setbacks define them, but instead, they use them as a chance to learn and improve.

Mentally strong people are resilient in several ways.

First, they have a positive mindset and view setbacks as temporary obstacles that can be overcome with effort and determination. They do not give up easily and are willing to put in the work necessary to overcome challenges.

Second, mentally strong people are adaptable and flexible. They are able to adjust to changes in circumstances or plans and are not easily thrown off course. They understand that life is unpredictable and that unexpected challenges can arise at any time, so they are prepared to adapt and respond accordingly.

Third, mentally strong people have a strong support system. They have people in their lives who can provide emotional support and encouragement during difficult times. This support can help them bounce back from setbacks more quickly and with greater resilience.

Overall, resilience is an important characteristic of mentally strong people because it allows them to overcome challenges, adapt to changing circumstances, and grow and develop as individuals.

They set goals and work towards them:

Mentally strong individuals set specific and measurable goals for themselves that are aligned with their values and vision for their future. They break down their goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and create actionable plans to accomplish them.

Moreover, mentally strong individuals are committed to their goals and are willing to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve them. They are persistent and don't give up easily, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks.

By setting goals and working towards them, mentally strong individuals are able to stay focused and motivated. They have a clear sense of purpose and direction, and this helps them make decisions that are in line with their goals. They are less likely to be distracted by things that don't contribute to their success and are better able to prioritize their time and energy.

In addition, by achieving their goals, mentally strong individuals are able to build self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. They are able to see the results of their hard work and effort, which motivates them to set even higher goals and continue striving towards them.

They are self-aware:

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, and how they impact yourself and others. Self-aware individuals have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and are able to regulate their emotions accordingly. In the context of emotional intelligence, self-awareness is a fundamental aspect of developing and enhancing emotional intelligence.

Self-aware individuals have a deep understanding of their emotional triggers, which are the situations or events that may lead to an emotional response. They are able to identify these triggers and anticipate the emotions they may experience in response to them.

For example, someone who knows that they tend to become anxious in crowded spaces can anticipate this emotional response and take steps to manage their anxiety, such as practicing relaxation techniques or avoiding crowded areas.

In addition to being aware of their emotional triggers, self-aware individuals are also able to regulate their emotions. This means that they can control their emotional responses and choose how to react to a situation.

For example, someone who is aware that they tend to become angry in response to criticism can choose to take a step back and consider the criticism objectively, rather than reacting with anger.

Self-aware individuals also have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. This means that they know what they are good at and where they may need to improve. They are able to leverage their strengths to achieve their goals, and are open to feedback and criticism that can help them improve in areas where they may be weaker.

Overall, self-awareness is an essential aspect of emotional intelligence. By understanding their own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, self-aware individuals are able to regulate their emotions, make better decisions, and form stronger relationships with others.

They seek support when needed:

Mentally strong individuals understand that seeking support from others is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength. They recognize that everyone has limitations and that there may be times when they cannot handle a situation on their own. Seeking support when needed is an essential aspect of maintaining good mental health and building resilience.

One of the ways in which mentally strong individuals seek support is by reaching out to trusted friends, family members, or colleagues. They understand the importance of having a strong support network and are willing to ask for help when they need it. This may involve talking through a difficult situation or seeking advice on how to handle a particular problem. By seeking support from others, mentally strong individuals are able to gain new perspectives, insights, and solutions that they may not have been able to find on their own.

Mentally strong individuals may also seek support from professionals, such as therapists or counselors. They understand that there may be times when they need specialized help to deal with mental health issues or other problems. Seeking professional support is a sign of self-care and a commitment to one's own well-being.

In addition to seeking support from others, mentally strong individuals also know how to provide support to themselves. They practice self-care regularly, such as getting enough rest, exercise, and good nutrition. They also engage in activities that bring them joy, such as hobbies or spending time with loved ones.

Overall, mentally strong individuals recognize that seeking support is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength. They understand that everyone needs help at times and are willing to ask for it when they need it. By seeking support, they are able to maintain good mental health, build resilience, and ultimately achieve their goals.

For example,

An example of someone who seeks support when needed could be a person who is going through a tough time in their personal life, such as a divorce or a family conflict. Despite feeling overwhelmed and emotional, they recognize that they cannot handle the situation on their own and decide to seek support.

First, they may reach out to close friends or family members for emotional support and a listening ear. They may also seek advice from trusted individuals who have been through similar situations before. By reaching out to others, they are able to gain perspective, emotional support, and practical advice on how to navigate the situation.

In addition to seeking support from their personal network, they may also decide to seek professional help. This could involve seeing a therapist or counselor who specializes in dealing with divorce or family conflict. By working with a professional, they can gain additional tools and strategies to manage their emotions and navigate the situation in a healthy and productive way.

They are able to adapt to change:

In today's rapidly changing world, adaptability has become an essential skill for success, and mentally strong individuals have developed the ability to adapt to change. They understand that change is a constant in life and are flexible in their approach to new situations and challenges.

One of the key aspects of adaptability is being able to let go of old ways of thinking and doing things. Mentally strong individuals understand that what worked in the past may not work in the future, and they are willing to embrace new ideas and approaches. They are open-minded and curious, and actively seek out new information and perspectives that can help them adapt to changing circumstances.

In addition, mentally strong individuals are able to manage their emotions in the face of change. They understand that change can be stressful and may trigger feelings of anxiety or fear, but they are able to regulate these emotions and maintain a positive outlook. They focus on the opportunities presented by change rather than the challenges, and are willing to take calculated risks in pursuit of their goals.

Mentally strong individuals also have strong problem-solving skills, which allow them to adapt to new situations and challenges. They are able to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to problems, and are willing to experiment and try new things. They are not afraid of failure, as they understand that it is a natural part of the learning process, and use setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.

Overall, adaptability is a key aspect of mental strength. Mentally strong individuals are able to adapt to new situations and challenges by being flexible, open-minded, and resilient. They are able to manage their emotions, problem-solve creatively, and take calculated risks in pursuit of their goals. By embracing change and adapting to new circumstances, they are able to achieve success and thrive in an ever-changing world.

An example of someone who is mentally strong and able to adapt to change could be a business owner who is facing increased competition in their industry. Despite the challenges, the business owner recognize that the market is changing and he need to adapt in order to stay competitive.

First, the business owner conduct research to gain a better understanding of the changes in the market and their competitors' strategies. The business owner also seek out advice from trusted advisors and industry experts to gain new perspectives on how to adapt to the changing market.

Based on his research and advice, he develop a new strategy that emphasizes innovation, customer service, and quality. He invests in new technology and systems to improve efficiency and streamline operations, and they train their employees to provide excellent customer service.

Although the transition is not easy, the business owner is able to manage his emotions and maintain a positive outlook throughout the process. They understand that setbacks are a natural part of the process and use them as opportunities to learn and improve.

As a result, the business owner is able to not only survive in the face of increased competition but thrive. They are able to gain new customers and grow their business, while their competitors struggle to keep up.

Overall, this example demonstrates how mental strength and adaptability can help individuals and organizations overcome challenges and achieve success in a changing world.

Taking responsibility for their actions:

Mentally strong individuals take ownership of their actions, decisions, and mistakes. They do not blame others or make excuses, but instead take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.

For example, if a mentally strong employee makes a mistake at work, they will admit to it and work to rectify the situation rather than trying to hide it or blame it on someone else. They understand that taking responsibility is a sign of maturity and integrity, and it builds trust with others.

Being open-minded:

Mentally strong individuals are open to new ideas and perspectives, and are willing to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions. They do not close themselves off to new information or experiences, but instead embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning.

For example, a mentally strong individual may come from a certain cultural background, but they are open to learning about and embracing other cultures. They may challenge their own biases and beliefs and seek out new perspectives in order to expand their understanding of the world.

Being compassionate:

Mentally strong individuals show empathy and kindness towards others, and are able to see things from multiple perspectives. They understand that everyone has their own unique experiences and challenges, and they strive to support and uplift others.

For example, a mentally strong person may notice that a coworker is struggling with a personal issue and take the time to listen and offer support. They may also volunteer their time or resources to help others in need, demonstrating their compassion and kindness towards others.

Being self-motivated:

Mentally strong individuals are driven by internal factors such as personal values and a sense of purpose, rather than external rewards or recognition. They are self-motivated and strive to achieve their goals for their own personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

For example, a mentally strong athlete may be driven by a desire to push themselves to their limits and achieve personal bests, rather than simply seeking external recognition or awards. They may also use their passion for their sport to motivate others and inspire them to reach their own goals.

Overall, these traits are all aspects of mental strength and can help individuals achieve success, build resilience, and maintain good mental health

If you are not mentally strong then don’t worry because there are some ways to become mentally strong like:

Mindfulness meditation: Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing your attention on the present moment, without judgment. The aim is to become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, and to observe them without getting caught up in them. This practice can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve emotional regulation, and enhance overall well-being.

Chant the mantras of your favorite god every day: Chanting mantras can be a form of spiritual practice that can help to cultivate inner peace, focus, and resilience. It can also serve as a reminder of your values and beliefs, and can provide a sense of comfort and connection to something greater than yourself.

Try to give good advice or encourage people who approach you for emotional help: Offering support and encouragement to others can help to develop empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligence. It can also help to build social connections and a sense of community.

Accept your problems: Accepting your problems means acknowledging them and taking action to address them, rather than denying or avoiding them. It can be helpful to approach problems with a curious and open mindset, and to view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Never reveal your weakness to anybody in this world: While it is important to be honest with yourself about your vulnerabilities and challenges, it is not necessary to disclose them to others who may not have your best interests at heart. It can be helpful to choose carefully who you share your vulnerabilities with, and to seek out supportive and trustworthy people.

Cry for your pain: While expressing emotions is important for mental health, it is also important to develop resilience and coping strategies to deal with difficult emotions. This can involve learning to regulate your emotions, developing healthy ways to express them, and building a sense of self-efficacy.

Be neutral in your relationship: Striving for objectivity and avoiding taking sides can help to develop a balanced and rational approach to relationships. It can also help to avoid unnecessary conflict and promote understanding and compromise.

Don’t love profoundly anyone because nothing is forever in this world: While it is true that relationships can be impermanent, this does not mean that love is not worthwhile or meaningful. Embracing the impermanence of life can actually help to deepen appreciation for the present moment and cultivate a sense of gratitude.

Trust no one in this world: While it is important to be cautious and discerning in relationships, it is also important to cultivate trust and vulnerability with those who have earned it. Building trusting relationships can help to promote social support, emotional intimacy, and a sense of belonging.

Always try to find solutions for your problems: Developing problem-solving skills and a proactive approach can help to build resilience and self-efficacy. It can also help to avoid feeling stuck or helpless in difficult situations, and promote a sense of agency and control over your life.

Stop fantasizing about yourself, try to be in reality: Being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your current circumstances, can help to develop a grounded and realistic approach to life. This can involve acknowledging your limitations, setting realistic goals, and developing a growth mindset.


How to not waste your time

The concept of time is often emphasized by elders, parents, and teachers, who stress the value of time and urge individuals not to waste it. Many people believe that time is money and is very valuable, and they prioritize work and earning money over enjoying life or spending time with loved ones. While there may be some truth to this perception, it is important to balance all aspects of life and not focus on one perspective.

It is not uncommon for people to realize the value of spending time with loved ones after spending years avoiding them for the sake of work or money. However, once that time is gone, it cannot be brought back. Every phase of life has its own duties and responsibilities, and if one misses them at a specific age, it is impossible to bring them back. The human life cycle is beautiful, and it is important not to miss any moments at every specific age.

For example, the unconditional love of parents when one was a child, the moments of playing with friends in school, or the crushes and movies in college cannot be brought back. It is important to enjoy these moments while they last because once they are gone, they are gone forever.

Therefore, while time is indeed precious and valuable, it is also important to balance work and earning money with spending time with loved ones and enjoying life. Life is short and it is important to make the most of it, but it is equally important to prioritize different aspects of life at different phases and not miss out on important moments.


Don't waste your time by chasing love:

Love is a beautiful emotion, but chasing love blindly without any sense of reality can lead to disappointment and waste of time. It's important to understand that love takes time and effort, and it's not something that can be forced or rushed. Instead of chasing love, focus on building healthy relationships with people and work on yourself to become a better partner.

Don't waste your time on addictions:

Addictions can consume a significant amount of time and energy, making it difficult to focus on other aspects of life. Examples of addictions can include alcohol, drugs, gambling, and social media. Instead of wasting time on addictions, focus on building healthy habits and finding alternative ways to cope with stress.

Don't waste your time on egos:

Ego can lead to conflicts and waste of time. It's important to let go of your ego and focus on building positive relationships with people. Instead of trying to prove yourself better than others, focus on your personal growth and self-improvement.

Don't waste your time for money:

While money is important for survival, focusing solely on money can lead to a lack of fulfillment in life. Instead of chasing money, focus on finding a career or job that aligns with your values and brings you joy and purpose.

Don't waste your time for impossible dreams:

It's important to have dreams and aspirations, but it's equally important to be realistic about them. Setting unrealistic goals and pursuing them can lead to disappointment and a waste of time. Instead of pursuing impossible dreams, focus on setting achievable goals and working towards them.

Don't worry too much about your future:

While it's important to plan for the future, worrying too much about it can lead to anxiety and a waste of time. Instead of worrying, focus on taking action towards achieving your goals and trust that the future will unfold in its own way.

Don't waste time on specific aspects of your life:

Focusing on one aspect of life, such as work or relationships, can lead to a lack of balance and fulfillment in life. Instead, focus on finding a balance between different aspects of your life, including work, relationships, health, and personal growth.

Don't waste your time on social media:

Social media can be a great tool for communication and staying connected with people, but it can also be a significant time-waster. Instead of spending excessive amounts of time on social media, limit your usage and focus on building meaningful connections with people in real life.

Don't waste your time by trolling someone:

Trolling or engaging in online harassment can be hurtful and a waste of time. Instead of spreading negativity, focus on building positive relationships and contributing to a positive online community.

Don't waste your time with your electronic gadgets: Electronic gadgets can be a source of entertainment and productivity, but excessive usage can lead to a lack of focus and productivity. Instead of wasting time on gadgets, set boundaries for their usage and focus on building healthy habits.

Don't waste your time by sleeping long hours every day:

While sleep is important for overall health and well-being, oversleeping can lead to laziness and a lack of productivity. Instead of oversleeping, focus on getting adequate sleep and building a healthy sleep routine.

Don't waste your time for vengeance:

Holding onto grudges and seeking revenge can be a waste of time and energy. Instead of seeking vengeance, focus on forgiveness and letting go of negative emotions.

Don’t waste your time by thinking about your past mistakes:

Thinking about past mistakes can consume a lot of time and energy, leading to negative emotions such as regret, guilt, and sadness. Instead, it's better to focus on the present and take actions that can help you learn from your mistakes and avoid repeating them. For example, if you failed an exam in the past, instead of dwelling on it, you can study harder for the next exam.

Don’t waste your time by giving up quickly:

Giving up too soon can prevent you from achieving your goals and can be a waste of time. Instead, it's better to persevere and try again, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. For example, if you're trying to learn a new skill and find it difficult, don't give up easily. Instead, keep practicing until you master it.

Don’t waste your time for fearing about something:

Fearing something can be a waste of time and can prevent you from taking action. Instead, it's better to confront your fears and try to overcome them. For example, if you're afraid of public speaking, instead of avoiding it, try practicing and building your confidence through small speaking engagements.

Don’t waste your time for becoming someone else:

Trying to be someone else can be a waste of time and can prevent you from realizing your own potential. Instead, it's better to focus on developing your own skills and strengths. For example, if you admire someone's writing style, instead of trying to imitate them, develop your own writing style that reflects your personality and strengths.

Don’t waste your time for tomorrow:

Procrastination can be a waste of time and can prevent you from achieving your goals. Instead, it's better to take action today and make progress towards your goals. For example, if you have a project to complete, instead of putting it off until tomorrow, start working on it today.

Don’t waste your time on multiple goals:

Having too many goals can be overwhelming and can prevent you from achieving any of them. Instead, it's better to focus on a few important goals and prioritize them. For example, if you want to improve your fitness and learn a new skill, prioritize which one is more important to you and focus on that first.

Don’t waste your time for distractions:

Distractions such as social media, TV, or mobile games can be a waste of time and can prevent you from being productive. Instead, it's better to limit distractions and focus on the task at hand. For example, if you're trying to study or work, turn off notifications on your phone and avoid social media until you're finished.

Don’t waste your time for someone else's problems:

Helping others is important, but it's also important to prioritize your own needs and goals. Instead, it's better to set boundaries and balance your own needs with helping others. For example, if a friend constantly asks for your help with their problems, it's okay to say no sometimes and focus on your own needs.

Don’t waste your time on playing games on your gadgets:

Playing games on your gadgets can be enjoyable, but it can also be a waste of time if done excessively. Instead, it's better to balance leisure activities with other important tasks. For example, if you enjoy playing games on your phone, limit it to a specific time each day and avoid playing during work or study time.

Don’t waste your time by arguing with people:

Arguing with people can be a waste of time and can often lead to negative emotions. Instead, it's better to communicate assertively and respectfully, or to simply agree to disagree.

For example, if you have a disagreement with someone, try to approach the situation calmly and rationally. State your position clearly and respectfully, and be open to hearing the other person's perspective. If you find that the conversation is becoming heated or unproductive, it may be best to agree to disagree and move on.

Wasting time on arguing can also lead to a feeling of frustration and anger, and can drain your mental energy. This can be especially true in situations where the argument is unlikely to lead to a resolution or compromise. In these cases, it may be more productive to simply let go of the argument and focus your energy on more positive and productive activities.


Do have control over your management of time every day:

Managing our time efficiently is crucial for achieving our goals. A well-planned schedule can help us complete our work on time and have time for leisure activities as well. For example, a student who wants to balance their studies with extracurricular activities could plan their day to include time for studying, sports or hobbies, and socializing with friends.

Do avoid addicted friends:

The people we spend our time with can influence our behavior and attitude. It's important to surround ourselves with positive, supportive people who encourage us to achieve our goals. On the other hand, hanging out with addicted friends who indulge in harmful behavior can impact our life negatively. For example, if you have a friend who is addicted to drugs, spending time with them could lead to you getting involved in drug use, which could lead to addiction, health problems, or legal issues.

Do again knowledge of your goal:

Revisiting your goals regularly can help you stay focused and motivated. You can evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments to your plans. For example, if your goal is to start a business, you could research the market, identify potential customers, and develop a business plan to achieve your goal.

Do read books often which makes you aware of this world:

Reading books can broaden your knowledge and understanding of the world. It can help you explore new ideas and perspectives, and improve your communication and analytical skills. For example, reading books about science, history, and literature can help you understand the world better and stimulate your imagination.

Do travel to new places:

Traveling to new places can be a great way to learn about different cultures and lifestyles. It can help you broaden your horizons and develop new perspectives. For example, traveling to a different country could expose you to different foods, languages, and customs, which could help you appreciate the diversity of the world.

Do have a goal in your life:

Having a clear goal can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving what you want in life. It can help you prioritize your time and efforts and make better decisions. For example, if your goal is to become a doctor, you could study hard, volunteer at a hospital, and apply to medical school to achieve your goal.

Do have cordial relationships with the people whom you know:

Having healthy relationships with friends, family, and colleagues can improve your social life and mental health. It can provide you with emotional support, advice, and companionship. For example, maintaining a positive relationship with your parents could help you feel loved and supported, and provide you with guidance and wisdom.

Do learn many new things in your life:

Learning new things can keep your mind active and improve your cognitive abilities. It can help you adapt to new situations and challenges, and improve your problem-solving skills. For example, learning a new language, a musical instrument, or a sport could help you develop new skills and interests.

Do short talks to new people:

Meeting new people can broaden your social network and provide you with new perspectives and ideas. It can also help you develop your communication and interpersonal skills. For example, talking to someone new at a social event could help you make new friends and learn about different cultures and experiences.

Do try to improve your creativity:

Developing your creativity can help you find innovative solutions to problems and improve your artistic abilities. It can also provide you with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. For example, writing a story, painting a picture.


How to create a goal in your life?

Everyone has goals in their lives,few might be impossible ones and few might be unrealistic.But only 1% of ambitious people fulfil their goals and the rest give up their goals.The important question is that why only 1% ambitious people are successful in achieving their goals?

The answer could be plenty, because if you have strong emotions in you then you can achieve your goal, if you are mentally weak then you might give up your quickly.

When it comes to achieving your goals, it's important to have both a long-term vision and short-term goals that will help you get there. The long-term goal is the ultimate destination or achievement that you want to reach, while short-term goals are the smaller, actionable steps that you can take to get there.

The key to successfully achieving your long-term goal is to maintain focus and consistency with your short-term goals. Short-term goals serve as stepping stones that help you make progress towards your long-term goal, and each small win can provide motivation to continue moving forward.

To maintain focus and consistency with your short-term goals, it's important to fallow these:

Set Specific and Measurable Short-Term Goals: Your short-term goals should be specific and measurable, with clear deadlines and milestones. This will help you track your progress and ensure that you are moving towards your long-term goal.

Prioritize Your Short-Term Goals: You may have several short-term goals that you need to achieve in order to reach your long-term goal. It's important to prioritize these goals based on their importance and the impact they will have on your overall success.

Break Down Your Long-Term Goal into Smaller, Manageable Steps: Your long-term goal may seem overwhelming and unattainable if you think of it as one large task. Breaking it down into smaller, manageable steps can make it feel more achievable and less daunting.

Stay Focused and Consistent: Once you have set your short-term goals, it's important to stay focused and consistent in working towards them. Avoid distractions and stay committed to your plan, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

By staying focused and consistent with your short-term goals, you can achieve your long-term goal more effectively and efficiently. Remember that success is not achieved overnight, but rather through consistent effort and dedication over time.

Here are some examples of how to set and achieve long-term and short-term goals:


Long-term goal: Become a successful entrepreneur

Short-term goals:

Complete a business course or program

Conduct market research to identify potential customers

Develop a business plan

Secure funding or investment

Launch the business and start generating revenue

Expand the business to new markets.


Long-term goal: Lose 50 pounds

Short-term goals:

Create a healthy meal plan and stick to it

Start a regular exercise routine

Track daily calorie intake and activity levels

Gradually increase the intensity and duration of workouts

Incorporate strength training to build muscle

Find a support system, such as a workout partner or weight loss group.


Long-term goal: Learn a new language

Short-term goals:

Choose a language to learn

Sign up for a language course or find a language tutor

Practice speaking and listening to the language daily

Learn basic grammar and vocabulary

Read and write in the language

Watch movies or TV shows in the language to improve comprehension and fluency.

In each of these examples, the short-term goals are specific and measurable actions that will help the individual achieve their long-term goal. By staying focused on these short-term goals and taking consistent steps towards them, the long-term goal becomes more achievable.

I am sure now you might have understood the difference between short term goals and long term goals.Now learn about the charecteristics which are required for your goal.

Characteristics required for achieving your goal:

1.Risk taking ability

Risk-taking ability is the ability to take calculated risks to achieve long-term goals. It is an important attribute for success in any field. Taking risks is not just about being fearless, but it's about having the ability to evaluate and mitigate potential consequences of your actions.

Risk-taking ability can be developed and improved with practice. The more you take risks, the more comfortable you become with the process of taking risks. However, it's important to remember that taking risks does not mean being reckless. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of any decision and consider the potential outcomes before taking action.

When it comes to achieving long-term goals, taking risks can be a necessary step. For example, if your long-term goal is to start a successful business, you may need to take financial risks, invest money, and potentially borrow funds to get started. You may also need to take risks in terms of pursuing new markets or launching new products or services.

However, taking risks can also come with potential downsides. For example, if you invest too much money in your business and it fails, you may face financial ruin. Or if you pursue a new market that doesn't pan out, you may lose time and resources.

To improve your risk-taking ability, it's important to develop a mindset of growth and learning. Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and grow from mistakes. Seek out new challenges and opportunities to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Finally, remember that taking risks doesn't guarantee success, but it can bring great rewards and help you achieve your long-term goals.


Courage is the ability to face difficulties, dangers, or uncertainty with confidence and bravery. In the context of achieving your goals, courage is necessary because pursuing any ambitious goal will require facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Without courage, it's easy to become discouraged, lose faith in your abilities, and give up on your dreams.

One of the key aspects of courage is the willingness to take risks. When you set ambitious goals, there's always the possibility of failure or setback, but having the courage to take calculated risks and face uncertainty can lead to big rewards.

Another aspect of courage is the ability to make tough decisions. Pursuing your goals will often require making difficult choices, such as prioritizing your time and resources, saying no to distractions and temptations, and taking responsibility for your actions. These decisions can be stressful and challenging, but having the courage to make them will help you stay focused and on track towards your long-term goals.

In summary, courage is essential for achieving your long-term goals because it helps you take risks, make tough decisions, and build strong relationships. By cultivating courage, you can increase your chances of success and overcome any obstacles that may arise on your journey towards your ultimate goal.

Here are some examples to illustrate how courage can be an important factor in achieving goals:

Entrepreneurship: Starting a business requires a lot of courage. You have to take a risk with your own money and invest it in something that may or may not succeed. You have to be willing to face failure, rejection, and setbacks along the way.

Public Speaking: Many people have a fear of public speaking, but if your goal requires it, you have to be willing to overcome that fear. Whether you're giving a presentation, pitching an idea, or speaking in front of a large audience, having the courage to speak confidently and persuasively is crucial.

Sports: Athletes need to have courage to compete at a high level. They have to be willing to push their bodies to the limit, take risks, and face their fears. Whether it's hitting a game-winning shot or making a tackle in football, courage is essential in sports.

Relationships: Building and maintaining healthy relationships can require a lot of courage. You have to be willing to communicate honestly and openly, confront difficult issues, and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship.

Career Changes: Sometimes achieving your long-term goals may require making a career change. This can be scary, as it involves stepping out of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges. However, having the courage to pursue a new career path can be the key to achieving your goals.


In few circumstances you might feel like shifting to another profession from your goals or could give up your goal. If you have this kind of approach then its not possible to achieve not only your goal but also any kind of goal. The consistency plays a major role in your journey of achievement. As I often say that human mind is fickle. No matter in which position you are or hurdles you are facing, you should have consistency in your journey.

I still remember a very talented choreographer who was allured to become an actor due to his fame and after a series of flops he tried to become an movie director and then a movie producer. Due to his inconsistency he not only faced failures in choreography but also in other professions. Therefore, often remember that consistency is very pivotal if you want to achieve your long-term goals.


Determination is the quality of being firm and resolute in pursuing one's goals, despite challenges and setbacks. Determination enables individuals to maintain their focus and stay motivated, even when faced with obstacles.

For example, a determined student may have a goal to get accepted into a prestigious university. Despite facing academic challenges, the student will continue to work hard, seek out support, and remain focused on achieving their goal.


Intelligence refers to the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge and skills effectively. It involves cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

For example, an intelligent scientist may use their knowledge and skills to solve complex problems in their field. They may also use their intelligence to come up with innovative solutions that benefit society as a whole.

Starting from scratch (Less ego): Starting from scratch refers to the ability to let go of one's ego and start anew, without any preconceived notions or biases. It involves being open-minded and willing to learn from one's mistakes.

For example, an entrepreneur who has failed in their first venture may choose to start from scratch by revaluating their approach and seeking out new opportunities. They may also let go of their ego and be willing to learn from their mistakes, in order to avoid repeating them in the future.


Willpower refers to the ability to control one's thoughts and actions in order to achieve a desired outcome. It involves overcoming distractions and temptations in order to stay focused on one's goals.

For example, an athlete may use their willpower to maintain their training regimen, even when faced with physical fatigue or mental exhaustion. They may also use their willpower to resist temptations that may interfere with their performance, such as unhealthy foods or excessive partying.


Confidence refers to the belief in one's abilities and worth. It involves having a positive self-image and a strong sense of self-esteem.

For example, a confident public speaker may be able to effectively communicate their message to their audience, while also remaining calm and composed. They may also use their confidence to inspire and motivate others.

Persistence: Persistence refers to the ability to continue working towards one's goals, despite setbacks and challenges. It involves staying committed and motivated over the long term.

For example, a persistent entrepreneur may continue to seek funding and investment opportunities, even after receiving numerous rejections. They may also use their persistence to develop and refine their product or service, in order to make it more appealing to potential customers.

Stress management: Stress management refers to the ability to effectively cope with stress and anxiety. It involves using techniques such as relaxation, exercise, and mindfulness to maintain one's mental and emotional well-being.

For example, a busy professional may use stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation to reduce their stress levels and improve their focus and productivity. They may also use these techniques to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Emotional stability:

Emotional stability refers to the ability to maintain a stable emotional state, even in the face of challenging situations. It involves being able to manage one's emotions and reactions effectively.

For example, an emotionally stable nurse may be able to remain calm and focused, even in a high-pressure emergency situation. They may also use their emotional stability to provide comfort and support to their patients and their families.


Patience refers to the ability to remain calm and composed while waiting for something to happen. It involves being able to tolerate delays or setbacks without becoming frustrated or giving up.

For example, a patient teacher may use their patience to help students who are struggling to understand a difficult concept. They may also use their patience to help students develop their own skills and abilities over time.


Never be sad for your problems

Human life is characterized by the existence of problems. Four types of problems that humans face are financial, emotional, professional, and relational. These problems are universal and affect all people regardless of their social status, economic position, or emotional strength. In fact, the higher one's social status, the more problems they may have to deal with. This is because the more one has, the more one has to lose.

Despite the advancements made by humans in the past 70 years, emotional issues still abound. This is due to the fact that humans have created a hierarchy in relationships and have become desirous for material possessions. In contrast to the rest of the living organisms on this planet, humans have created wants rather than needs. They have become driven by a desire for material possessions, power, and social status. This has led to the development of an extremely complex social structure, where people are constantly seeking to move up the social ladder.

Human advancement has both benefits and losses. If humans had not been desirous, they might not have been able to invent many of the things that they have today, such as satellites, mobile phones, and medicines for deadly diseases. However, with these advancements, humans are not only gaining but also losing many good relationships, kindness, compassion, peace of mind, generosity, and good weather. In other words, the more humans gain, the more they have to lose.

Despite the drawbacks of human advancement, it is impossible for humans to live like the rest of the living organisms on this planet. This is because humans have already created a complex social structure that is too difficult to abandon. Moreover, they have already become too dependent on their material possessions to live without them. Therefore, humans must find a way to balance their desire for material possessions with their need for emotional well-being. This requires the development of coping mechanisms to deal with the various problems that they face in their lives.

Problems are an inherent part of human life. Although humans have made significant advancements, they still face emotional issues due to their desire for material possessions and social status. Therefore, humans must find a way to balance their desire for material possessions with their need for emotional well-being in order to lead fulfilling lives.

Here are some examples to illustrate the points I made:

Financial problems: A person may face financial problems due to job loss, overspending, or unforeseen expenses such as medical bills. For example, a person who loses their job may struggle to pay bills, leading to stress and anxiety.

Emotional problems: Emotional problems may arise due to a variety of reasons, such as relationship issues, mental health conditions, or trauma. For example, a person may experience depression or anxiety due to a traumatic experience or a loss of a loved one.

Professional problems: Professional problems can arise in the workplace, such as job dissatisfaction, conflicts with coworkers, or difficulty balancing work and personal life. For example, a person may feel overwhelmed and stressed due to long hours at work or a toxic work environment.

Relational problems: Relational problems can occur in any type of relationship, such as romantic relationships, family relationships, or friendships. For example, a person may struggle with a difficult family member or may experience a breakup in a romantic relationship.

Every person will experience problems or challenges in at least one of these areas throughout their life. It is practically impossible to avoid these problems altogether because they are an inherent part of the human experience.

For instance, if you have a bad financial situation, you may be experiencing a difficult time meeting your basic needs and may have difficulty affording things that you need or want.

On the other hand, if you are experiencing relationship problems, you may be experiencing a sense of loneliness or lack of connection, which can lead to feelings of sadness or depression.

If you are facing professional challenges, you may feel stressed or uncertain about your job security, financial stability, or career path. Finally, if you are experiencing emotional difficulties, you may be struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges.

It is important to understand that these challenges are a normal part of life and that they can occur even for people who are wealthy, intelligent, or successful in their careers. For instance, someone who is wealthy may still experience relationship problems or struggle with mental health challenges. Similarly, someone who is successful in their career may still struggle with financial insecurity or emotional difficulties.

Therefore, it is essential to recognize that happiness does not come from having everything in life working perfectly. It is more realistic to aim for contentment and balance in life. It is unlikely that anyone will experience complete happiness in all four dimensions simultaneously. Instead, individuals should strive for happiness in the areas of life that are most important to them and find ways to cope with the challenges they face in other areas.

For instance, if you are facing relationship problems, it does not mean that you cannot experience happiness in other areas of life. You may still have a fulfilling career, good emotional health, and financial stability. By focusing on these areas of life, you can find happiness and contentment despite your relationship challenges. The same principle applies to any of the other three dimensions.


In conclusion, it is essential to understand that life is a journey with ups and downs. Everyone will face challenges in their life, and it is essential to find ways to cope with these challenges without giving up on happiness. By focusing on the areas of life that bring you joy and finding ways to cope with the challenges that arise, you can find contentment and happiness even in the midst of difficult times


Benefits of doing meditation

I am sure you have heard many times about doing meditation every day from different people around you. You may have either ignored them or taken their suggestion seriously and tried it for a few days, but lost interest in meditation.

The real meaning of meditation is to train your emotions and keep your mind present. As you may be aware, everyone has seven emotions, which are interlinked with the seven chakras of your body. If any of the chakras are not working properly, it means that the chakra in your body is weak or damaged. To make the chakra strong again, we use different hand mudras during meditation. Every hand mudra has the power to strengthen a specific chakra. However, as a simple human being, most of you may be unaware of the faulty chakra in you, unless you have strong knowledge of your birth chart in astrology, it is highly impossible to identify the faulty one.

Therefore, it is always better to know the basic meditation technique for every day. Since you are not starting meditation to acquire superpowers like vigilantes for saving the world, right?

We should do meditation every day to solve problems in our life. In our daily lives, we have many problems, stresses, deadlines, and arguments with the people around us. Prior to explaining the benefits, I would like to tell you the fact that please do not be under the misconception that meditation takes away all your problems from your life. It is not the truth because if you are destined to be in poverty or surrounded by many problems, then you will face your "karmas". It is highly impossible to escape your karmas, and no meditation has the power to eliminate the problems from your life.

Then you might be wondering why I am suggesting you about the meditation if it cannot remove your problems? The fallowing example will give you the answer.

The example of the three fielders in a cricket stadium helps to illustrate the importance of mental strength when it comes to handling problems. In this example, all three fielders were hit by the ball with the same amount of force, but their reactions were different.

The first player felt very painful and had tears, while the second player felt very hard and collapsed on the ground. However, the third player, who had mental strength, felt the pain but tolerated it.

The pain from the ball in this example represents the problems we face in our daily lives, while the level of tolerance of the fielders represents our mental strength. The third player, who was able to tolerate the pain, had the mental strength to handle the problem.

The moral of this example is that problems will always be a part of our lives. No one can escape them, no matter how successful or wealthy they may be. However, if we develop mental strength, we can learn to handle our problems in a better way.Meditation can help us develop mental strength by training our minds to focus and stay calm. By practicing meditation regularly, we can learn to be more tolerant, patient, and calm in the face of difficulties. This can help us to find solutions to our problems, make better decisions, and cope with stress more effectively.

The real truth of meditation:

"While meditation may not be able to eliminate all of our problems, it can help us develop the mental strength we need to handle them. With the help of basic meditation, you can gain mental strength. If you have mental strength, then no physical pain, relationship issues, emotional problems, professional targets, financial stress, or fear of your goals can bother you. However, to achieve real mental strength, you should be a regular meditation practitioner for longer periods.

For some people, the effects of meditation might be noticeable within months, while for others, it could take years. It varies from person to person, as we all are different human beings with different IQ and intelligence. You should be patient to gain mental strength. You can start with ten minutes of meditation every day and not exceed more than thirty minutes daily, because doing excessive meditation could bring "viragya" (meaning losing all interest towards the materialistic world). Be cautious about the duration of your meditation. Even though meditation offers a lot of benefits, you shouldn't do more than thirty minutes of meditation every day.

The real benefits of doing meditation every day:

· Living for needs and not wants: Meditation can help you cultivate a sense of contentment with what you have, rather than constantly striving for more. It helps you recognize that material possessions and external factors do not determine your happiness. Instead, you focus on fulfilling your basic needs and living in the present moment, which can reduce stress and anxiety.

· Increased tolerance: Regular meditation practice can help you become more patient, empathetic and understanding towards others. It can help you respond calmly to difficult situations, rather than reacting impulsively. This increased level of emotional control and resilience can help you navigate through life's ups and downs with greater ease.

· Improved self-confidence: Through regular meditation practice, you can develop a deeper understanding of your inner self and gain clarity about your values and goals. This increased self-awareness can boost your self-esteem and confidence. It can also help you become more comfortable with yourself and build healthy relationships with others.

· Practicality over emotionality: Meditation can help you become more present and mindful, which can enable you to make rational, practical decisions instead of impulsive, emotional ones. It can also help you see situations more objectively, without getting caught up in negative thoughts or emotions

You will become merciful

We all are surrounded by different kinds of people, in them few might hurt you mentally and physically, few might deceive you, few might take it away what you have. Many people either become vindictive or act like tit for tat for the above kind of people. But you should remember that in the process of taking revenge and mirroring the characters of the people who have hurt you, one thing you are forgetting is that you are not only trying to hurt the people who hurt you but also you are hurting yourself mentally. You might ask me that how is that possible?

The answer is the person who has hurt you is a negative minded person and to hurt him back you are also making yourself as a negative minded person.

By doing regular meditation, you will become merciful and adopt positive energies.

You will start enjoying earths nature

The earth nature has many beautiful experiences but unfortunately, we all are busy in experiencing human created virtual world and also, we are finding happiness in this virtual world. When you do meditation, you will start liking the earths nature because you will identify the real happiness.

· You will become smart and intelligent: Regular meditation practice has been shown to improve cognitive abilities, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving skills. This is because meditation can increase the size of the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for executive functions like planning, decision-making, and abstract thinking.

· You will start observing your emotions and feeling in different types of situations: Meditation helps you develop a greater awareness of your thoughts and emotions, allowing you to observe them without getting caught up in them. This increased self-awareness can help you better understand your emotions and how they affect your behavior.

· You understand other people’s emotions very easily: As you become more aware of your own emotions, you also become more sensitive to the emotions of others. This can improve your empathy and compassion towards others, making you more understanding and supportive.

· You will become compassionate: Regular meditation practice can cultivate feelings of compassion and kindness towards yourself and others. This can help you develop a more positive outlook on life and improve your relationships with others.

· You will become patient: Meditation can improve your ability to be patient, which is a valuable skill in many areas of life. By practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment, you can learn to accept things as they are and avoid getting caught up in impatience and frustration. This can lead to greater inner peace and a more relaxed approach to life

You will become positive and optimistic

In some circumstances in your life, you have to be positive and optimistic, because without these two things you could lose your confidence and hope of your future. For example, let’s say that you have worked hard for your exam and written your exam well and you are waiting for your results. In this stage if you become frantic then there are chances that you might lose your peace of mind. If you are a regular meditation practitioner then you will become positive and optimistic, not only in this kind of situations but also in worst and tougher ones.

You will understand the human psychology

In our daily life we have to deal with many kinds of people and we should have knowledge on human phycology, because we all have different perceptions. If you want to deal with everyone in your life then you should have knowledge of their characteristics.

You will become less greedy

In this materialistic world, every human being is chasing greed, but the fact which is unaware about the greed is that it can never be satisfied no matter how much you achieve it.In the quest of greed every human being is forgetting what they have gained and chasing materialistic things which can never give hippieness’ doing regular meditation, you can be happy in life with what you have,eventhough they are simple and cheap to others.

You will gain lot of focus

Our precent world is being controlled by virtual world, like social media, dating apps, Mobile games, mobile phones, Communication Apps,etc. These things have become a big distraction in everyone’s life. The important reason behind these distractions is because due to lack of focus from you. When you have good focus then no matter how many distractions you get, you will overcome them. Giving 100% focus is tough for few people, due to their genetics from their parents but you can make your focus 100% with the help of meditation.

Your memory will become sharp

When you have 100% percent focus on your actions then you can remember those actions forever, whereas if you lack that then your memory could be weak. With the help of meditation, you can make your memory sharp.

You will overcome your weakness

Every human has strengths and weakness in them but few people identify their weakness and make it as their strengths. But the fact is that it is not possible for everyone to identify their weakness in them. The weakness could be your too much fear, anger issues, introvert Ness, etc. With the help of meditation, you can identify your weakness and overcome them.

You will become emotionally strong

Emotional strength is very necessary to us than the physical strength, because sometimes your physical strength could be useless if you lack emotional strength. In your daily life you might confront many kinds of problems or stress or different people, which could create lot emotional issues to you. With the help of meditation, you can gain lots of emotional strength and can overcome any kind of conflict in your life easily.

You will overcome physiological issues if you have any

The psychological issue could be anything like too much possessiveness or jealousy or attention seeking or others. If you do meditation regularly then you can overcome any kind of phycological issue which medicines fail to do that.

Your mind would be in present

We get around 10,000 thoughts everyday about past and future. Sometimes these thoughts could hurt you or distract you or make you weak. When your mind is not in present then there are chances that you might not give your 100% effort in prescent.Because your precent actions are your future results. If you take good actions in present then you will have good future or if you don’t then your future could be in trouble. Even if you try to hold your unnecessary thoughts, it might not last for longer periods. Because most of our thoughts are not in our control, but with the help of meditation you can make your thoughts in control and be in present.

You will have control on your five senses

Every human being in this world has five senses, like Touch, feel, taste, watch and smell. All these five senses have connection to our seven emotions and you will act according based on the intensity of your sense. For example, let’s say that you have seen a very beautiful person and attracted towards that person intensely. If you are a regular meditation practitioner then you will have control on your senses and will act neutrally instead of being intense.

Every big problem in your life appears like a micro problem

We all have problems in life but instead of finding solutions we often become stressed and anxious. The reason behind this is that we consider our problems like a big Strom. When you start doing meditation, every problem in your life appears like a microbe and you can be stress free and find solutions for your problems.


After knowing the benefits of meditation, you are interested then take guidance from the professional or institutes who has meditation knowledge. Don’t start it without anyone’s guidance. After learning the meditation, you can either do it in early mornings between 5 am to 7 am or in the evenings from 5 pm to 6pm for best results. But don’t expect the results quickly, because sometimes it might take more than six months for results. When meditation starts showing effect on you then you will know the difference in you.


There is no shortcut for success

I am sure if you ask any random stranger about the success then he will answer you that he or she wants to become a big Bollywood star or singer or dancer or billionaire or a sports person in short time. Dreaming to become you desire is not any crime, but finding short ways could lead you in trouble because with the characteristics of honesty, determination, loyalty, and dedication could give you what you want in your life but it’s a long process. You shouldn’t forget the fact that even a big tree takes time to transform from seed to tree.

You can take any example of successful person you know, everyone has struggled and worked hard for achieving what they want. Virat kohli didn’t become a super batsman from the first year of his cricket journey, he started his passion from very age by playing under 19,Vijay deverkonda who is a sensation in south Indian film industry has spent around ten years for achieving what he wanted and actor “yash” actor of KGF has many struggling days, initially he acted in small Tv shows in his struggling days. I think these successful people who struggled for long term and achieved what they want.

There are another kind of people who are impatient and would take short cuts for their success and I don’t want to judge them because everyone is different and I can’t force everyone to fallows ethics, principles, like me in their respected fields. But short cut success might not give you knowledge or the value of your profession. Sometimes it can give you the success instantly but you cannot hold that success for longer periods. usually short cut success achievers are very impatient, obsessive, cunning, and have high expectations in their goals.

I still remember a mutual friend who I know was very ambitious to become successful businessman in less time, he was doing a job and yet was not satisfied with his earnings, so he started a business by quitting his job. Due to his lack of experience in the business field he lost lots of money. Not only him but also many people have become impatient for their goals.

The people who desire to fulfil their goals in short cut face many problems because 90% of the people face dissatisfaction because as I said these people have high expectations in short term. Not only prior initiating their goals but also after failing they go into lots emotional turmoil. This is not the mistake of those people because this is the effect of “kalyuga” and the influence of “Rahu” on them.

I will try to differentiate between the people who take short cuts for their goals and the people who take time for their goals.

Things you face while taking short cuts for your goal:

You fail to learn your work

impatience can lead to a lack of effort in trying to understand one's work, which can lead to short-term success but eventually result in failure. To illustrate this point, the author provides an example of a YouTube singer who gained fame despite having mediocre skills.

let's take the example of the YouTube singer mentioned in the statement. This singer gained fame on YouTube with her mediocre singing skills. She may have had some initial success due to her talent or unique style, but in the long run, her lack of dedication towards improving her skills and understanding her craft led to her downfall.

When she tried to enter the Bollywood music industry, she failed to impress the industry professionals with her skills. This was because the Bollywood music industry demands a high level of expertise and professionalism, which the YouTube singer lacked. It is not just about singing, but also about the music arrangement, stage presence, and other aspects of performance.

If the singer had taken the time to learn and understand her craft, she would have been able to improve her skills and grab more opportunities. But due to her impatience, she failed to do so and missed out on long-term success.

The same applies to any profession or skill. If you want to excel and achieve long-term success, you need to understand your work from the core. This involves investing time and effort into learning the fundamentals, practicing consistently, seeking feedback, and continuously improving. It may take time and patience, but the rewards will be worth it in the end.

You will become obsessive

Being obsessed means being overly fixated on a particular goal or desire, to the point where it starts to have negative effects on other aspects of your life. This can lead to a lack of balance and can cause problems in relationships, work, and other areas.

When a person becomes obsessed with a particular goal, it can become difficult for them to think about anything else. They may spend all their time and energy on this one thing, neglecting other important aspects of their life, such as their health, relationships, and work. This can lead to burnout and a general feeling of being overwhelmed.

In addition, when a person is obsessed, they may make poor decisions. Their judgment can become clouded by their intense focus on one thing, and they may not be able to see the bigger picture. This can lead to mistakes and regrets down the road.

Furthermore, being obsessed can cause a person to lose perspective. They may start to believe that their goal is the only thing that matters, and they may neglect the needs and feelings of others. This can lead to problems in relationships, and can cause the person to become isolated and disconnected from others.

Overall, while having a strong sense of focus and dedication is important for achieving one's goals, it's important to avoid becoming obsessed. Maintaining a sense of balance and perspective is key, and taking care of all aspects of your life is essential for long-term success and happiness.

For example:

Let's say a person is obsessed with becoming a successful business owner. They might spend all their time and energy working on their business, neglecting their relationships, health, and other responsibilities. They might make decisions that benefit their business in the short term, but harm it in the long term or even harm others. For example, they might cut corners on safety measures or mistreat their employees in order to maximize profits. Their obsession with success in their business could lead to negative consequences in other areas of their life and ultimately harm their overall well-being.

You will start manipulating people

When someone becomes obsessed with achieving a particular goal or outcome, they may start to see other people as mere means to that end. This can lead to a mindset where they view others primarily in terms of how they can be used to further their own interests, rather than as individuals with their own unique needs, desires, and goals.

This kind of mindset can easily lead to manipulation. A person who is obsessed with achieving their goals may start to see other people as tools to help them get what they want, rather than as equal partners in a mutually beneficial relationship. They may start to use flattery, lies, or other forms of deception to get what they want, even if it means exploiting or harming others.

For example, imagine someone who is obsessed with becoming a successful businessperson. They may start to see their employees primarily as tools to help them achieve their goals, rather than as individuals with their own unique needs and desires. They may start to manipulate their employees, using flattery or threats to get them to work harder or longer hours, or to take on more responsibilities than they can handle.

This kind of manipulation can be incredibly damaging to relationships. It can erode trust, create resentment, and ultimately undermine the very goals that the person was hoping to achieve in the first place. In the end, it is important to remember that healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and trust, not manipulation and exploitation.

Your expectations will be unbelievable

When you set unrealistic expectations for yourself, you are more likely to face failure, disappointment, and frustration. Unrealistic expectations can lead to a lack of motivation, as you might feel overwhelmed by the enormity of your goals. Setting high expectations for yourself can be good, but setting ones that are unattainable can lead to negative consequences.

When you have unrealistic expectations, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment because you are hoping for something that is beyond your control or abilities. This can cause you to feel stressed and anxious, and can make it difficult to focus on achieving your goals. Additionally, when you don't meet your expectations, you may feel like a failure, which can further decrease your motivation and self-esteem.

As an example, let's consider an actor who wants to become a superstar with his debt film. This actor had a goal of becoming a superstar in a short span of time and invested a large sum of money in one movie to achieve his dream. However, this expectation was unrealistic as it takes time, effort, and talent to become a successful actor. His movie ended up being a disaster, and he lost all his money, leading to a huge setback in his career. If he had set realistic expectations and taken smaller steps towards his goal, he might have achieved success over time.

You will take unnecessary risks

unnecessary risks without fully evaluating the potential outcomes. These risks may be based on impulse rather than careful analysis, and may not consider all the potential consequences. In some cases, taking unnecessary risks can lead to failure and even financial ruin.

For example, if you are an entrepreneur and you are impatient to grow your business quickly, you may take on too much debt or invest in new products or services without properly evaluating the market demand or your ability to sustain growth. This can lead to a situation where your business becomes overleveraged, unable to generate enough revenue to cover your expenses, and ultimately fails.

Similarly, if you are a trader in the stock market and you are obsessed with making a quick profit, you may take on too much risk by investing in volatile stocks or using leverage to increase your returns. This can lead to significant losses if the market turns against you or if you make a wrong decision.

Taking risks is an important part of achieving success, but it is important to take calculated risks based on careful analysis and evaluation of the potential outcomes. Impatience and obsession can lead to taking unnecessary risks that can be detrimental to your long-term success.

Your thinking ability wouldn’t be wide

When we try to take shortcuts and rush through our work, we tend to overlook important details and fail to consider all possible outcomes of our decisions. This lack of consideration can lead to a narrow thinking ability where we only focus on the immediate result and not the long-term consequences of our actions.

For example, if someone wants to start a business, they need to consider various factors such as market demand, competition, available resources, and potential risks before making any decision. They need to have a wide thinking ability to analyze all the variables and predict the outcome of their actions. But if they rush to start their business without proper planning, they may overlook important details and make mistakes that can lead to failure.

Moreover, when we take shortcuts, we tend to avoid challenges and difficult tasks, which can hinder our growth and limit our thinking ability. By avoiding challenges, we miss out on opportunities to learn and expand our knowledge and skills. This can lead to a stagnant mindset where we are unable to adapt to new situations and come up with innovative solutions.

Taking shortcuts and rushing through our work can lead to a narrow thinking ability, hindering our growth and limiting our potential for success. It is important to take the time to consider all possible outcomes and analyze situations from different angles to make informed decisions.

So,the above are my observations when you try to take shortcuts and now I will explain you about the benfits of long term success.

Things which you will learn in long term success:


Discipline is a crucial factor that plays a vital role in achieving long-term success. It refers to the ability to stick to a set of rules, guidelines, or principles that are essential for achieving a specific goal or objective. When you are working towards long-term success, discipline becomes an integral part of your life. It is the cornerstone of your progress, and it enables you to stay focused and motivated towards your goals.

Being disciplined means that you have a clear understanding of your priorities, and you know what needs to be done to achieve your goals. You develop a routine that enables you to be productive and efficient with your time. You learn to eliminate distractions and stay focused on the task at hand.

Discipline is also about self-control. It means that you have the ability to control your impulses and make decisions that are in line with your goals. You learn to make sacrifices, delay gratification, and work hard even when you don't feel like it.

Moreover, discipline enables you to build good habits that are necessary for long-term success. You learn to be consistent with your actions, and you develop a sense of responsibility towards your work. You become more organized, and you learn to manage your time effectively. As a result, you are able to achieve more in less time, which helps you to progress towards your goals faster.

Discipline is a critical factor in achieving long-term success. It helps you to stay focused, motivated, and consistent towards your goals. It enables you to develop good habits, manage your time effectively, and make decisions that are in line with your goals. When you are disciplined, you are more likely to achieve success and maintain it in the long run.


Patience is a crucial skill to possess, especially when it comes to achieving long-term success. When you have patience, you are willing to wait and endure through difficult or trying times. You understand that success doesn't happen overnight and that it takes time and effort to reach your goals.

Having patience means that you can deal with setbacks, failures, and obstacles in a more constructive way. Instead of becoming frustrated and giving up, you can analyze the situation and find a way to move forward. You can use the time between setbacks to learn, grow, and improve your skills, knowledge, and strategies.

Furthermore, patience is not just a skill that is useful in your career, but it can also positively impact your personal life. You will be able to build stronger relationships with others by showing patience, empathy, and understanding. You will be able to listen to others without interrupting them, and you will be able to approach conflicts in a more peaceful and productive manner.


Struggle is an integral part of any successful journey, as it teaches individuals to persevere through tough times and motivates them to continue striving towards their goals. Struggle builds resilience, character, and work ethic, which are important qualities for achieving long-term success.

There is a big director of the South Indian film industry who had a clear goal of becoming a movie director ten years ago. However, he faced several obstacles and rejections in his journey. Instead of giving up or waiting for opportunities to come his way, he took matters into his own hands and became a waiter on film sets. This allowed him to make connections and network with people in the industry. Although this required him to sacrifice his own lunchtime for a year, he remained committed to his goal and was willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve it.

After a year of struggle and hard work, he finally received an opportunity as an assistant director. He continued to work hard for ten years before finally getting a chance to direct his own movie. His long-term struggle paid off in the end, as he achieved his ultimate goal of becoming a director.

This example highlights the importance of patience, perseverance, and hard work in achieving long-term success. The struggle may seem difficult and overwhelming at times, but it is important to remain focused on the end goal and continue putting in the necessary effort.


Having good communication skills is essential for achieving long-term success in any field. Effective communication can help you convey your ideas, thoughts, and opinions in a clear and concise manner, which can help you build strong relationships with others, establish trust and credibility, and achieve your goals.

If you are an introvert or have difficulty communicating effectively, a long-term success journey can help you improve your communication skills. When you work towards your goals over an extended period, you will likely encounter a wide range of people from different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. This experience can provide an opportunity for you to learn how to communicate effectively with others, even if you initially find it challenging.

Over time, as you continue to work towards your goals and interact with others, you will become more comfortable communicating with people, and you will learn how to adapt your communication style to fit different situations. This skill will not only help you in your professional life but also in your personal life, where effective communication is necessary for building strong relationships.

Therefore, learning good communication skills is a critical aspect of achieving long-term success. It may take time, but through practice and experience, you can become a confident and effective communicator.


Long-term success often comes with practicality. This is because, during the journey of achieving a long-term goal, you face many challenges, failures, and obstacles. You learn from them and become more realistic in your approach. As you face these challenges, you learn to evaluate situations practically and to make decisions based on real facts and data, rather than on assumptions or wishful thinking.

Practicality helps you to understand what is achievable and what is not. You become more aware of your limitations and the resources available to you. You will learn to set realistic goals and break them down into smaller achievable tasks, which can be accomplished with the resources you have. Practicality is an essential skill that helps you to prioritize your efforts and allocate resources to achieve your goals effectively.

Long-term success also helps you to understand the difference between reality and fiction in your life. You will learn not to get carried away by your emotions and desires but to think logically and practically. You will be able to evaluate situations more objectively and make decisions based on facts and evidence, rather than on personal biases or emotions.

In summary, long-term success helps you to become a practical person. You learn to evaluate situations based on real facts and data, set achievable goals, and prioritize your efforts and resources effectively. You become more aware of your limitations and the resources available to you. You will learn to think logically and objectively, and not get carried away by your emotions and desires.

Value of your success

The value of success is something that can only be understood by those who have worked hard and long for it. When you go through a long-term struggle, you understand the importance of every little thing that has contributed towards your success. The struggles, the failures, the risks, the patience, and the hard work all add value to your success.

When you get something easily without much effort, you might not realize its true worth. But when you have worked hard and long for something, you understand how much it means to you. You start appreciating the little things that have contributed towards your success. You start realizing the importance of patience, hard work, and perseverance in your life. You start valuing your success more than anything else in your life.

Moreover, when you value your success, you become more consistent in your efforts towards it. You realize that success is not something that comes and goes; rather, it is a continuous process that requires consistent efforts and hard work. You understand that every little step towards your goal is important and contributes towards your success. Therefore, you stay consistent and focused on your goal, which eventually leads to long-term success.

The value of success is something that can only be understood by those who have gone through a long-term struggle. It is the result of patience, hard work, perseverance, and consistent efforts towards your goal. When you value your success, you appreciate the little things that have contributed towards it, and you become more consistent in your efforts towards it.

More awareness about your work

To succeed in any profession, having theoretical knowledge is important, but it is not enough to become an expert in your field. You need practical knowledge and experience to be able to apply your theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. This is especially true for professions that require creative expression, such as singing, acting, or painting.For example, let's say that you have excellent theoretical knowledge of Hindustani classical singing, but to become a good singer in Bollywood, you need to have a deep understanding of the emotions and feelings behind the music. You need to be able to convey those emotions through your vocals and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

This practical knowledge and experience can only be gained by working with music directors and producers, performing live, and honing your craft through practice and experimentation. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but the end result is a deeper understanding of your art form and the ability to create truly memorable performances.

By gaining this practical knowledge and experience, you also become more aware of the nuances of your work. You are better able to identify what works and what doesn't, and can make adjustments and improvements accordingly. This awareness can help you continuously improve and innovate in your field, leading to even greater success in the long run.

You will know how to maintain your goal for longer period

Maintaining success over a longer period of time is crucial for achieving true and lasting success. Many people are able to achieve success in their careers, but they are not able to maintain it for a longer period of time. This is because maintaining success requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

One of the main reasons why maintaining success is so difficult is because of the competitive nature of most industries. There is always someone who is trying to take your place and become more successful than you. In order to maintain your success, you need to stay ahead of the competition and continue to innovate and improve.

Another reason why maintaining success is difficult is because of the challenges and obstacles that you will inevitably face along the way. No matter how successful you are, there will always be challenges and obstacles that you need to overcome. Whether it is a new competitor, a new technology, or a new market trend, you need to be able to adapt and overcome these challenges in order to maintain your success.

I believe that becoming successful is hard, but maintaining success for a longer period is much harder. You have to face many ups and downs in your profession and still survive in this competitive world.

If we take the example of superstar Amitabh Bachchan, he struggled a lot prior to becoming a superstar. After becoming a superstar in the mid-90s, he faced many failures but rose again as a superstar with his hard work. Due to the experience of his past long-term struggle, he also survived the bad phase and became an even bigger star than before."


Always be there to the people who are emotionally weak

We do have many medicines for many types of deceases or infections in our world, thanks to our advance technology. For many types of physical disease’s there is a cure but for emotional problems there are very few medicines and they hardly work on the people.

We all become emotionally weak in many types of circumstances like when our loved one leave us or the people whom we know hurt us with their words or behavior or when we fail to achieve our goals or when our desires are not fulfilled. These could be the few reasons for becoming emotionally weak.

These emotionally weak people could be around you in the form of partners, family, friends or sometimes mutual friends. The sad part is when these people fail to get the emotional nourishment from their people then it could make them more suffer.

You might confront me that why should you give emotional nourishment to the emotional weak people? And say that you have hundreds of problems in your life and yet no one is helping you.Yes,I can understand your situation that even you are battling with your own problems in your life and you lack of time to spend consoling others. But the fact is that when you console the mentally suffering people then you will become more patientive and would be aware about the reasons of mental suffering, so that you can become more stronger in future by escaping your suffering when you face a similar mental problem in your life.

My answer is simple god has crated some trillions of living organisms in this world and among them only humans have superior awareness comparing to rest of the living organisms. Have you ever thought why human have superior awareness? Because God has given more awareness to human so that they can be helpful to every living being in this world.

As I said few emotional pains have no medicine and they can be curable only with mental support.

If you feel like convinced with my opinion on the people who are suffering from mental pain then

you can help them and fallow the below steps.

Listen to them

Mental health issues can be difficult to understand and even more challenging to cope with. It is essential to provide support and understanding to those struggling with mental health concerns, especially when they come to us for help. One of the most crucial ways we can do this is by actively listening to them.

When someone is experiencing mental distress, they may not always know how to articulate what is troubling them. Asking them to talk about their concerns is a powerful way to open up communication, show that you care and want to understand their situation. If they trust you enough to share their feelings, it's important to create a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable opening up.

It is essential to understand that what might seem like a small issue to you could be a big problem for someone else, and vice versa. Therefore, it's important not to invalidate their experiences or belittle their emotions. It's also essential to avoid judging or dismissing their problems, no matter how trivial they may seem to us. The pain that they're experiencing is real, and we should acknowledge and validate that.

One of the most important things we can do when listening to someone going through a tough time is to be present, empathetic, and non-judgmental. That means avoiding interrupting, offering unsolicited advice or solutions, or trying to make the person feel better quickly. Instead, listen actively, pay attention to their body language and tone, and ask open-ended questions to gain more insight into their struggles.

Active listening can help people feel heard, understood, and validated. When people feel listened to, they often find a sense of relief, and their mental stress and anxiety can decrease. However, if someone is experiencing severe mental distress, it's essential to encourage them to seek professional help from a licensed mental health professional.

Console them

When someone shares their mental pain with us, it is crucial to provide comfort and support. One of the ways we can do this is by offering words of consolation. Consoling someone means expressing empathy and understanding for their situation while reassuring them that things will get better.

It is important to recognize that every person's experiences are unique, and their pain and struggles are valid. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid using cliches or platitudes that may come across as dismissive or invalidating, such as "Everything happens for a reason" or "Just think positive." Instead, offer genuine and specific words of comfort that show you understand and care.

You can start by expressing empathy and acknowledging the difficulty of their situation. Let them know that you are there for them, and that you will support them through this tough time. It is also helpful to validate their feelings and reassure them that they are not alone in their struggles.

For example, you could say something like, "I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sounds incredibly challenging, and I'm here to support you in any way I can. Your feelings are valid, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed right now."

You could also offer words of encouragement or hope, such as "I believe in you, and I know you have the strength to get through this," or "Even though things are tough right now, I know you'll come out stronger on the other side."

It is important to remember that consoling someone is not about fixing their problems or telling them what to do. Rather, it is about providing emotional support and creating a safe space for them to share their feelings without fear of judgment or criticism.

Be patient

Being patient is a crucial aspect of supporting someone who is going through mental pain. It takes time and effort to help someone cope with their struggles, and it's important to remain patient and supportive throughout the process.

When someone shares their mental pain with us, it's often because they trust and feel comfortable with us. It's important to recognize the trust they have placed in us and respond with patience and understanding. Patience involves being present, attentive, and supportive, even when it may be challenging or uncomfortable for us.

If the sufferer is a family member or a close friend, it is especially important to exercise patience as we may be involved in their lives from the beginning of their struggles. We need to understand that mental health issues are often complex and multifaceted, and may require time, effort, and patience to address effectively.

In situations where we need to console someone going through mental pain, patience can mean listening to them without interruption, even if it takes a long time for them to express themselves fully. We should also avoid being judgmental, dismissive, or making them feel like their struggles are insignificant.

It's also essential to recognize that mental health issues can take time to resolve, and progress may be slow. It is important to continue to offer support and patience throughout the entire process. Even when we may not see immediate progress or improvement, our patience and support can still be a source of strength and comfort for them.

When supporting someone going through mental pain, patience is a critical component of effective care. It means being present, understanding, and supportive, even when the process may be challenging or lengthy. For family members and close friends, patience is especially crucial, as we may be involved in their lives from the start of their struggles. Through our patience and support, we can help them build the mental strength needed to overcome their challenges and emerge stronger.

Advise them

Offering advice to someone who is going through mental pain can be a helpful step in their healing process. However, it's important to approach this with sensitivity and understanding, as everyone's experiences and challenges are unique.

If you have been through a similar experience to the person you are trying to help, it can be helpful to share your own story and how you overcame the pain. This can help the person feel less alone and more understood, and give them hope that they can also overcome their own struggles.

However, it's important to remember that even if the person's experience seems similar to yours, their individual circumstances, feelings, and reactions may be very different. So, it's crucial to listen actively and respond to their specific needs and concerns, rather than just assuming that what worked for you will work for them.

If you haven't experienced the same challenges as the person, it's still important to offer support and encouragement. You can remind them of their own inner strength and resilience, and offer suggestions for coping strategies or professional help.

One important piece of advice is to discourage self-destructive behaviors, such as addiction or self-harm. These behaviors may offer temporary relief, but ultimately they can create more problems and make the mental pain worse. Encourage the person to seek healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, mindfulness, or creative expression, and to seek professional help if necessary.

In summary, offering advice to someone going through mental pain can be a helpful step in their healing process. Whether you are sharing your own experiences or offering more general encouragement and support, it's crucial to approach this with sensitivity, understanding, and a willingness to listen to their unique needs and concerns.

Manage them

When someone is going through mental pain, they may need more support and attention than usual. It's important to be able to manage your own feelings and reactions, while also being present and available for the person who needs your help.

This can be challenging, especially if you are dealing with your own problems or have a busy schedule. However, it's important to prioritize the well-being of the person who needs your help and to create a supportive environment for them.

If the person is calling or visiting you frequently, it's important to respond with patience and understanding. They may need more reassurance and comfort than usual, and it's important to be present and available for them during this time. This may mean setting aside some of your own needs or responsibilities temporarily in order to be there for the person in need.

It's also important to create clear boundaries and communicate openly about your own limitations. You may need to set aside specific times or days to be available for the person, or you may need to ask for help from others if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

Overall, managing someone who is going through mental pain requires a delicate balance of being present and supportive, while also taking care of your own needs and limitations. With patience, understanding, and clear communication, you can create a supportive environment that helps the person in need feel heard, understood, and ultimately, healed.

Explain them about the practicality of this world

Explaining the practicality of the world to someone who is going through mental pain can be helpful in bringing them out of their negative mindset and into a more objective perspective.

It's important to acknowledge that life is not always fair, and that sometimes we experience pain and difficulties that we cannot control. However, it's also important to recognize that we have the ability to control our own reactions and responses to these challenges.

One way to do this is by explaining the analogy of a coin - just like a coin has two sides, life has its ups and downs, and we cannot always expect things to go our way. However, just like we can't control which side of the coin lands face-up, we can't always control the events that happen in our lives. What we can control, though, is our own mindset and how we respond to these events.

It's important to encourage the person to think objectively about their situation and to consider practical solutions that they can implement to overcome their pain. This may involve seeking professional help, reaching out to support groups, or making lifestyle changes that can help improve their mental health.

However, it's also important to acknowledge that sometimes we may not be able to find a solution to our problems, and in these cases, we must learn to accept the reality and move forward in life. This can be a difficult lesson to learn, but it's an important part of developing resilience and emotional maturity.

Overall, explaining the practicality of the world to someone who is going through mental pain can be helpful in bringing them out of a negative mindset and encouraging them to think objectively about their situation. By acknowledging the challenges of life and learning to accept them, we can develop the strength and resilience to overcome even the most difficult situations.

Give them positivity

Giving someone who is going through mental pain positivity and encouragement can be an effective way to help them overcome their difficulties.

It's important to understand that when someone is experiencing emotional pain, their mind is often clouded with negative thoughts and feelings. This is why it's important to counteract this negativity with positivity and optimism.

One way to do this is by sending positive or motivational quotes to the person regularly. This can help lift their spirits and give them the motivation they need to keep going. Additionally, showing your own positive attitude and smiling face can be infectious and can help improve their mood as well.

It's also important to be there for the person whenever they need you. This may involve offering a listening ear when they need to talk, providing practical assistance with everyday tasks, or simply being a source of comfort and support.

Overall, giving someone who is going through mental pain positivity and encouragement can be a powerful way to help them overcome their difficulties. By filling their minds with optimism and positivity, you can help them see the world in a more positive light and provide the support they need to move forward with their lives.

Don’t expect anything in return.

When helping someone who is going through mental pain, it's important to do so without expecting anything in return. This means that you should not help them with the expectation that they will owe you something or that they will continue to be close to you after they have recovered.

Expecting something in return can put unnecessary pressure on the person and may even make them feel guilty or indebted. Instead, it's important to offer help and support simply because it's the right thing to do and because you care about the person.

Additionally, it's important to advise the person to start doing meditation. Meditation is a powerful tool that can help alleviate mental pain and improve overall mental health. It can help calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote feelings of peace and wellbeing.

It's also important to remember that if you start expecting something from the person, they may feel used or unimportant. This can lead to them losing hope and faith in people and the world around them. Instead, show them that you care for them unconditionally and that you want to help them simply because you care.

Helping someone who is going through mental pain should be done without any expectations. It's important to offer help and support simply because you care and to advise them to try meditation as a way to improve their mental health. By doing this, you can provide a source of hope and positivity for the person, helping them to overcome their pain and become the best version of themselves.


Everything happens for a reason in your life

The idea that everything happens for a reason is a common belief in many cultures and societies. While it's difficult to determine the exact reason for every event or circumstance in our lives, it's true that our past actions and decisions can have a significant impact on our present and future.

Learning from our mistakes and failures is a crucial part of personal growth and development. It's through these experiences that we gain valuable knowledge and skills that can help us make better decisions in the future. It's also important to recognize that challenges and difficulties in life can make us stronger and more resilient.

Of course, not all problems or challenges are the result of our own actions or decisions. Sometimes, external factors such as natural disasters or unexpected events can have a significant impact on our lives. In these situations, it's important to focus on what we can control and try to find ways to adapt and overcome the obstacles in our path.

Ultimately, while the idea that everything happens for a reason can provide comfort and meaning in difficult times, it's important to remember that we have the power to shape our own lives and create our own futures. By taking responsibility for our actions and decisions, and by staying focused on our goals and aspirations, we can build a life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and rewarding.

For example, if I haven’t faced losses or failures in my past then I might not become a motivational speaker today, because I felt very bad when there was no one to encourage me when I was down, so these reasons had made me strong and I decided that no one should suffer mentally like me with lack of motivation due to failures or problems in their life.

It is true that when you are going through a bad phase in your life, you may face many challenges and difficulties.During a bad phase in life, you may face several challenges that can affect your emotional and mental well-being.

Some of the common challenges that people face during such phases are:

Financial difficulties: Financial difficulties can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. For example, losing a job, facing bankruptcy, or struggling to pay bills can lead to financial stress.

Health problems: Health problems can cause physical pain and discomfort, which can affect your mental health as well. For example, if you're dealing with chronic pain, it can be challenging to focus on anything else.

Relationship issues: Relationship issues can cause a lot of emotional stress and anxiety. For example, if you're going through a breakup, it can be difficult to cope with the loss of a significant other.

Lack of motivation and enthusiasm: During a bad phase, you may lose your motivation and enthusiasm for life. This can be a challenging phase where you feel stuck and unable to move forward.

Feeling of hopelessness and helplessness: Feeling hopeless and helpless can be a common emotion during a bad phase. For example, if you've been trying to achieve a goal for a long time, and it seems like you're not making any progress, you may feel helpless and hopeless.

Negative thinking and self-doubt: Negative thinking and self-doubt can lead to a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. For example, if you're constantly thinking about your failures, it can be difficult to stay positive and motivated.

Increased anxiety and fear: During a bad phase, you may experience increased anxiety and fear. For example, if you're going through a health issue, you may worry about the outcome and what the future holds.

Difficulty in making important decisions: Making important decisions can be challenging during a bad phase. For example, if you're dealing with relationship issues, you may struggle to decide whether to stay in the relationship or move on.

Feeling stuck or trapped in your situation: Feeling stuck or trapped in your situation can cause a lot of emotional stress. For example, if you're in a job that you hate, it can be challenging to leave and find a new job.

Loss of direction or purpose in life: During a bad phase, you may lose your sense of direction or purpose in life. For example, if you're going through a difficult time, it can be challenging to focus on your goals and aspirations.

It is important to remember that these challenges are not permanent and there are ways to overcome them. Seeking help from a mental health professional, talking to friends and family, practicing self-care, and developing a positive mindset are some ways to navigate through a bad phase in life.

These are some suggestions for what to do when you're facing a bad phase in your life:

1. Learn from Your Bad Phase:

When you're facing a challenging situation, it's essential to approach it as a learning opportunity. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong or blaming others, take a step back and reflect on the following:

· Self-Reflection: Analyze your role in the situation and identify areas where you could have made better choices or taken different actions.

· Identify Patterns: Look for patterns in your behavior or decision-making that may have contributed to the problem. Are there recurring themes in your actions or reactions?

· Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted friends, family members, or mentors. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives on the situation.

· Adjust and Improve: Use the lessons learned to make better choices in the future. This might involve changing your approach, setting new goals, or acquiring new skills.

Example: Suppose you experienced a failed business venture. Instead of dwelling on the failure, you conduct a post-mortem analysis to understand what went wrong. You realize that inadequate market research and financial planning were significant contributors. In the future, you commit to conducting thorough research and seeking expert advice before starting a new business.

2. Be Mentally Strong:

Mental strength and resilience are crucial when facing adversity. Here's how to build and maintain mental strength:

· Focus on What You Can Control: Identify aspects of the situation that are within your control, such as your thoughts, reactions, and decisions. Concentrate your energy on these areas.

· Stay Calm and Rational: Practice mindfulness and emotional regulation techniques to stay composed during challenging times. Avoid impulsive decisions driven by emotions.

· Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist for emotional support and guidance. Talking to someone can help you process your feelings and gain perspective.

· Maintain a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. View setbacks as temporary and as chances to develop resilience.

Example: You've lost your job unexpectedly. Being mentally strong means acknowledging your emotions but not letting them overwhelm you. You focus on updating your resume, networking, and exploring new career options with a growth mindset, believing that this setback can lead to a better opportunity.

3. Stay Away from Addictions:

During difficult times, it's tempting to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Instead, adopt healthy strategies:

· Exercise: Physical activity can release endorphins, improving your mood and reducing stress.

· Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices can help you manage stress and maintain emotional balance.

· Talk to Someone: Share your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Talking can provide emotional relief and support.

· Set Healthy Routines: Establish a daily routine that includes self-care activities, such as proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular exercise.

Example: You're dealing with a breakup, and you're tempted to drown your sorrows in alcohol. Instead, you choose to seek solace in healthier alternatives like going for daily walks, practicing mindfulness meditation, and confiding in a close friend about your feelings.

4. Be Positive and Optimistic:

Maintaining a positive outlook doesn't mean denying the challenges you're facing. It means:

· Solution-Focused Thinking: Focus on finding solutions to problems rather than dwelling on the problems themselves.

· Visualization: Imagine a brighter future and set clear goals to work toward.

· Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with supportive, positive people who encourage your optimism.

· Gratitude: Practice gratitude by acknowledging the positive aspects of your life, even during difficult times.

Example: You've experienced a series of setbacks in your career. Maintaining a positive outlook involves setting specific career goals, networking with industry professionals, and visualizing yourself in a more fulfilling job. You also express gratitude for the skills and experiences that have brought you this far in your career.

5. Be Patient:

Overcoming difficult phases often takes time and persistence:

· Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that progress may be gradual and setbacks may occur along the way.

· Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how minor they seem. Each step forward is a sign of progress.

· Perseverance: Keep pushing forward, even when it feels like you're not making significant headway. Consistency and determination are key.

Example: You're trying to lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Patience means recognizing that you won't see dramatic results overnight. You celebrate when you achieve small milestones like sticking to your exercise routine for a month or losing a few pounds over time.

6. Focus on the Present:

Dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future can be counterproductive:

· Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to stay present and fully engage in the current moment.

· Set Short-Term Goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps that you can focus on in the here and now.

Example: You're concerned about your financial future due to unexpected expenses. Focusing on the present means creating a budget, seeking short-term financial solutions, and setting attainable financial goals to address your immediate concerns.

7. Be Courageous:

Facing challenges head-on often requires courage and risk-taking:

· Identify Values and Goals: Clarify your values and long-term goals to guide your decisions during difficult times.

· Take Calculated Risks: Assess the potential risks and rewards of your choices, and be willing to take calculated risks that align with your values.

· Embrace Change: Recognize that change is often necessary for growth and personal development.

Example: You're in a job that doesn't align with your passion or values. Having courage means taking the bold step of leaving your current job to pursue a career that aligns better with your long-term goals, even if it involves some uncertainty and change.

8. Create Opportunities:

Waiting passively for opportunities to come to you may limit your progress:

· Networking: Actively network with people in your industry or field to discover new opportunities.

· Skill Development: Invest in learning new skills or acquiring certifications to enhance your qualifications.

· Entrepreneurship: If you've always wanted to start your own business, take steps to create that opportunity by developing a business plan and seeking funding if needed.

Example: You've been aspiring to work in a specific industry, but job openings are scarce. Creating opportunities might involve networking with professionals in that field, volunteering to gain relevant experience, or pursuing additional education to make yourself more attractive to potential employers.

9. Never Give Up:

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks:

· Stay Persistent: Continue to pursue your goals even when you encounter obstacles.

· Learn from Setbacks: View setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

· Adapt and Adjust: Be willing to adjust your approach or change your goals if necessary, but don't abandon them entirely.

Example: You've faced several rejections in your artistic career. Instead of giving up, you use each rejection as an opportunity to refine your craft, seek feedback, and apply for new opportunities