Elevate your life


5/18/202458 min read

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No part of this book may be used, reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Table of contents

1. How technology is destroying us?

2. Why are you feeling monotonous?

3. How to control your emotions?

4. Should we focus on our strengths or weakness?

5. Always value your life

6.How to convince people

7.Don't search for a partner to be like you

8. Always think that your weaknesses are like an opportunity in this world

9. Happiness is not about what you have its about how you feel.

10. Every bad situation will fade away in your life if you are calm and optimistic


How technology is destroying us?

Technology has indeed become an integral part of our lives over the past decade, influencing various aspects of our daily routines and transforming the way we interact with the world. From the widespread use of mobile phones and the availability of countless applications and software programs to the power of search engines, social networks, and artificial intelligence, technology has brought about significant advancements and innovations in numerous fields.

The positive impact of technology is undeniable. It has revolutionized communication by connecting people across the globe in an instant, facilitating the exchange of ideas and information. It has improved efficiency and productivity in various industries, enabling automation and streamlining processes. Medical advancements and research have been accelerated, leading to better diagnoses, treatments, and overall healthcare outcomes. Education has become more accessible through online platforms and digital learning tools, empowering individuals to pursue knowledge at their own pace. Moreover, technology has facilitated scientific discoveries, enhanced transportation systems, and contributed to the development of renewable energy sources, promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that technology also presents its drawbacks. One significant concern is the potential for misuse and negative consequences. Cyber security threats, such as hacking and data breaches, pose risks to personal privacy and sensitive information. The rapid spread of misinformation and fake news through online channels can lead to social unrest and distrust. Excessive reliance on technology can contribute to sedentary lifestyles and a lack of physical activity, impacting our overall health. Furthermore, there are ethical considerations surrounding the use of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, including issues of bias, accountability, and potential job displacement.

Ultimately, our relationship with technology and its impact on our lives depends on how we choose to engage with it. It is important to maintain a balance and exercise critical thinking. Being well-informed and digitally literate allows us to make informed decisions about when and how to utilize technology to enhance our lives while avoiding its potential pitfalls. It is essential to leverage technology as a tool for creativity, productivity, and connectivity, but also to prioritize human connection, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking skills. By consciously managing our use of technology and staying mindful of its implications, we can ensure that we harness its benefits while mitigating its drawbacks, thus creating a more balanced and harmonious relationship with the digital world.

The technology is ruining our lives in different aspects of human life :

Building good relationships: While technology allows us to connect with people across distances, it can hinder the development of deep and meaningful relationships. Constant digital communication may replace face-to-face interactions, leading to a lack of emotional connection and understanding. Shallow online interactions can make it challenging to establish and maintain genuine relationships.

Thinking less for ourselves: The ease of access to information through technology can make us rely heavily on external sources rather than cultivating our critical thinking skills. We may become less inclined to think deeply, analyze situations, and form independent opinions, as we can simply search for answers or rely on algorithms to provide us with information.

For example:

Rather than critically analyzing a topic or problem, individuals may rely on search engines to provide quick answers. This can discourage independent thinking and hinder the development of analytical and problem-solving skills.

Addiction to technology: The addictive nature of technology, such as social media, video games, and smartphones, can lead to dependency and compulsive behavior. Excessive screen time and constant notifications can negatively impact our mental well-being, productivity, and overall quality of life.

Decreased creativity: Technology often provides ready-made solutions and templates, leaving little room for personal creativity and innovation. Dependence on pre-packaged ideas and content can hinder our ability to think outside the box and come up with original ideas.

Physical and mental laziness: Technological advancements have made our lives more convenient, but they have also contributed to sedentary lifestyles. We spend more time sitting, engaging in screen-based activities, and less time being physically active. Additionally, the constant stimulation provided by technology can lead to mental laziness and a decreased ability to concentrate and engage in deep thinking.

Lack of critical thinking: The abundance of information available through technology can make it challenging to distinguish between reliable sources and misinformation. This can lead to a passive acceptance of information without critically questioning its validity, leading to a decline in critical thinking skills and the spread of misinformation.

Addiction to fame: Social media platforms and technology have created a culture where individuals seek validation and attention through likes, followers, and virtual fame. The pursuit of online popularity can lead to shallow relationships, low self-esteem, and a skewed sense of self-worth.

Decreased tactile experiences: Technology often isolates us from touch, feel, and physical experiences. For example, the rise of e-books and online shopping diminishes the sensory experiences of holding a physical book or trying on clothes in a store. This can lead to a loss of connection with our physical world.

Sheep-like behavior: Technology, particularly social media, can encourage herd mentality, where people are influenced by trends, opinions, and behaviors without critical examination. It can create echo chambers and lead to conformity rather than independent thinking and individuality.

Instant gratification: The convenience of technology has conditioned us to expect instant results and gratification. This can lead to impatience, a lack of perseverance, and a diminished appreciation for the value of hard work and delayed rewards.

Loneliness and reduced human contact: Paradoxically, while technology allows us to connect with others globally, it can also contribute to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Over reliance on virtual interactions can lead to a lack of genuine human connection and a decline in social skills.

What should you do for not relying on technology?

Stop relying on smart phones 24/7

Instead of engaging in face-to-face conversations and spending quality time with loved ones, individuals may find themselves constantly engrossed in their smartphones, checking social media or playing games. This can lead to a lack of meaningful interaction and emotional connection within relationships. So, try to avoid your smart phones or relying on technology. Only use it when you are failing to reach your expectations.

When individuals become heavily reliant on social media

Platforms like social media platforms or video browsing platforms, they often develop a constant need to check for updates, likes, comments, and notifications. This behavior can lead to a cycle of constantly seeking external validation and experiencing a fear of missing out (FOMO) on social interactions or trending content. As a result, individuals may find themselves spending a significant amount of time engaging with virtual interactions, scrolling through news feeds, and seeking instant gratification through the online social environment.

Moreover, the design and features of social media platforms are often optimized to maximize user engagement and encourage addictive behaviors. Elements like infinite scrolling, autoplaying videos, and personalized content algorithms are intentionally designed to keep users hooked and prolong their time spent on these platforms. This can contribute to a sense of time slipping away and a preoccupation with virtual interactions, leading to a diminished ability to concentrate on real-world activities.

Attention Deficit Syndrome related to excessive social media use can manifest in various ways.

Individuals may struggle to complete tasks within reasonable time frames, experience difficulty in sustaining attention during conversations or lectures, and have a reduced ability to engage in deep thinking and contemplation.

To mitigate the negative impact of social media and avoid Attention Deficit Syndrome, it is important to establish healthy habits and boundaries. This includes setting limits on social media usage, designating specific times for checking and engaging with social platforms, and being mindful of the potential distractions and time sinks they can pose.And also try to play outdoor sports or games with your friends or family.Due to this you not only improve your co-ordinations and communication but also improve your health.

Stop craving for fame:

Online validation has become increasingly prevalent in today's digital age. Platforms like TikTok, dancing Apps, and others offer individuals the opportunity to gain followers, likes, and comments, which can create a sense of validation and popularity. However, it's important to recognize the potential drawbacks of prioritizing fame and external validation over genuine personal growth and authentic connections.

One of the main issues with seeking online fame is that it can lead to a distorted sense of self-worth. When you rely on the number of followers, likes, or comments they receive as a measure of their value or success, their self-esteem becomes tied to external validation. This can create a constant need for approval and validation from others, making it difficult to develop a strong sense of self-worth that comes from within.

t's essential to remember that fame is often an illusion. The online world can create an environment where popularity is fleeting and unpredictable. Even if individuals achieve a certain level of fame or gain a large following, it does not guarantee long-lasting satisfaction or fulfillment. The pursuit of external validation can become an endless cycle, as the desire for more followers, likes, and comments can never truly be satisfied.

Instead of solely focusing on virtual platforms for showcasing talents or seeking fame, individuals should consider embracing the real world as a space for growth, connection, and personal fulfillment. Engaging in activities, hobbies, or projects offline allows for more meaningful experiences and interactions. Whether it's participating in local community events, joining clubs or organizations, or sharing talents with a real-life audience, these experiences can foster genuine connections, feedback, and personal growth.

Face-to-face interactions offer a level of depth

Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice, play a significant role in communication and understanding. These elements add richness and depth to our interactions, allowing for a better understanding of emotions, intentions, and context. In virtual interactions, these non-verbal cues are often diminished or lost, limiting the depth of connection we can establish.

Moreover, physical touch plays a vital role in human connection and well-being. Hugs, handshakes, and other forms of physical contact release hormones like oxytocin, which promote bonding, reduce stress, and enhance feelings of trust and connection. Virtual interactions cannot provide this tactile aspect, and the absence of physical touch can contribute to feelings of disconnectedness and isolation.

To address these challenges, it is important to adopt habits that prioritize direct, face-to-face interactions whenever possible. Actively seek opportunities to engage in meaningful in-person conversations and spend quality time with friends, family, and loved ones. This can involve organizing social gatherings, meeting for meals or activities, or simply spending time together in shared spaces. By prioritizing physical presence, we can enhance the depth of our connections and experience the benefits of in-person interactions.

Additionally, when engaging in face-to-face interactions, be mindful of incorporating touch and physical contact when appropriate and comfortable for all parties involved. This can include greetings with handshakes, hugs with close friends and family, or other forms of appropriate physical contact that convey warmth, connection, and support.

It's worth noting that virtual interactions can still serve as valuable tools for communication and connection, especially in situations where physical proximity is not possible. They can help bridge geographical distances, maintain connections with distant loved ones, and provide a means of communication during certain circumstances. However, it is important to strike a balance and not solely rely on virtual interactions as a substitute for direct human contact.

By actively seeking and valuing face-to-face interactions, incorporating physical touch, and recognizing the unique benefits they offer, we can combat feelings of loneliness and foster deeper, more meaningful connections with others.

Engaging in physical activity and taking an active approach to tasks like shopping instead of relying solely on technology can bring numerous benefits to our lives. By embracing physical exertion and reducing dependence on delivery apps, we can break free from sedentary lifestyles and foster a sense of independence and self-reliance.

Developing practical skills:

When we actively participate in tasks like shopping, we gain practical skills and knowledge that can be valuable in various aspects of life. This includes skills such as comparing prices, selecting quality products, and managing personal finances. These practical skills contribute to personal growth, self-reliance, and improved decision-making abilities.

Be a patient person

Being a patient person allows for a more thoughtful and critical approach to understanding the world around us. Relying heavily on technology, such as search engines, can provide quick answers and solutions, but it can also limit our ability to engage in deeper thinking and questioning. By cultivating patience and taking the time to explore and question the reasoning behind various phenomena, we can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

When we become patient individuals, we allow ourselves the space and time to question and analyze the happenings in our surroundings. Instead of accepting information at face value, we delve deeper and seek a deeper understanding of the underlying principles, causes, and effects. This type of critical thinking enables us to broaden our perspectives, challenge assumptions, and gain new insights.

For example, let's consider a scenario where a new technological innovation is introduced. A patient person would not simply accept it as a given, but rather question its purpose, benefits, and potential drawbacks. They may inquire about the motivations behind its creation, the implications it has for society, and the ethical considerations involved. By questioning and reflecting, they can form a more well-rounded opinion and make informed decisions regarding the use and adoption of the technology.

Furthermore, patience allows us to engage in thoughtful research and analysis. Instead of relying solely on search engine results or readily available information, patient individuals take the time to explore different sources, examine various perspectives, and critically evaluate the reliability and credibility of the information they encounter. This approach helps to develop a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues and encourages intellectual growth.

By being patient and inquisitive, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. We become active participants in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, rather than passive consumers of readily available information. This mindset fosters curiosity, creativity, and innovation, as we seek to uncover new insights and challenge existing paradigms.

In a fast-paced and information-driven world, it is easy to fall into the habit of seeking quick answers and immediate gratification. However, by practicing patience and nurturing our capacity for critical thinking and questioning, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of the world, enhance our problem-solving abilities, and contribute to meaningful advancements in various fields.

Relying too heavily on technology can potentially contribute to low self-confidence in certain situations. Here are a few reasons why this may occur:

Comparison and self-esteem: Social media platforms and online communities often present curated versions of people's lives, showcasing their achievements, appearance, and successes. Constant exposure to these idealized versions can lead to social comparison and feelings of inadequacy. When individuals compare themselves unfavorably to others online, it can negatively impact their self-esteem and confidence.

Validation seeking:

In the age of social media and instant gratification, individuals may seek validation and approval from others through likes, comments, or followers. This constant need for external validation can erode self-confidence, as one's self-worth becomes dependent on the opinions and reactions of others.

Unrealistic standards: The media and online platforms frequently promote idealized images of beauty, success, and accomplishment. Constant exposure to these unrealistic standards can create feelings of self-doubt and lower self-esteem when individuals perceive themselves as falling short of these ideals.

Over reliance on technology skills: In certain contexts, such as the workplace, if individuals heavily rely on technology to perform tasks and lack confidence or proficiency without it, they may experience a decrease in self-confidence. This dependence can make them feel inadequate or uncertain when faced with situations that require non-technological skills or problem-solving.

However, it's important to note that technology itself is not the sole cause of low self-confidence. How individuals engage with technology, their mindset, and their ability to maintain a healthy balance play significant roles in shaping their self-confidence.

looking into the mirror and practicing can indeed improve self-confidence.


When you look into the mirror, you have the opportunity to observe yourself and reflect on your strengths and qualities. By focusing on your positive attributes, you can boost your self-esteem and develop a more positive self-image.

Body language and non-verbal communication:

Practicing in front of the mirror allows you to observe and refine your body language, facial expressions, and gestures. By consciously working on improving your non-verbal communication, you can appear more confident and assured in social interactions.

Presentation skills: If you need to give presentations or speeches, practicing in front of the mirror enables you to fine-tune your delivery. You can observe your posture, gestures, and facial expressions, ensuring that you come across as confident and engaging.

Eye contact: Maintaining good eye contact is essential for effective communication. By practicing eye contact in the mirror, you can become more comfortable and confident in making direct eye contact with others.

Positive self-talk: While practicing in front of the mirror, you can also engage in positive self-talk. Encourage yourself, affirm your abilities, and build a more positive mindset. This can help boost your self-confidence and belief in your capabilities.

Overcoming self-consciousness: For individuals who may feel self-conscious about their appearance or public speaking, practicing in front of the mirror can provide a safe space to gradually overcome those insecurities. By repeatedly facing yourself and building confidence in your presentation or appearance, you can develop a stronger sense of self-assurance.


I am not implying you to stop relying on technology but I am suggesting you to not rely on technology when ever you fail to find a solution for your question or problem. While technology can be a valuable tool, it is indeed crucial to engage our minds and tap into our own wisdom and knowledge first. If we encounter a problem or question that surpasses our current abilities, it is then appropriate to turn to technology for assistance. It is essential to remember that technology is created by humans, which means that human intelligence remains unparalleled.


Why are you feeling monotonous?

Monotony is a feeling of boredom or lack of variety that can arise when a person is repeatedly doing the same task, following the same routine, or experiencing the same environment over and over again. Monotony can occur in any aspect of life, whether it is personal or professional. For instance, an individual may feel monotonous while doing their job, performing the same tasks repeatedly, without any new challenge or learning opportunity.

Similarly, monotony can also arise in personal life when an individual follows a rigid routine, where every day seems to be the same, with no new experiences or opportunities to explore. When individuals experience monotony for an extended period, it can lead to various negative effects on their mental health.

In the short term, feeling monotonous may lead to boredom, disinterest, and frustration. However, if the feeling persists for an extended period, it can lead to more severe issues, such as depression, anxiety, and a loss of interest in other aspects of life.

It is essential to identify the reasons behind your monotonous behavior, whether it is due to a lack of challenges in your work or a rigid routine that offers no room for new experiences. Once you identify the reason, you can take necessary steps to break the monotony.

Here are some remedies to get rid of feeling monotonous

Try to do a job or business or work which is close to your heart:

Choosing a job or business that aligns with your passion can indeed be an effective way to avoid feeling monotonous. When you love what you do, it can bring a sense of fulfillment, motivation, and enthusiasm to your work. Here's a detailed explanation of how pursuing a passion, such as writing, can help combat monotony:

Intrinsic motivation: When you are passionate about a particular field, such as writing, your motivation to excel and produce high-quality work comes from within. You derive satisfaction from the process itself, rather than solely relying on external rewards or recognition. This intrinsic motivation helps you stay engaged and enthusiastic about your work, reducing the chances of feeling bored or monotonous.

Constant learning and growth: Pursuing your passion allows you to continually learn and develop your skills in that area. Writing, for example, offers opportunities for growth through exploring different writing styles, genres, or topics. As you challenge yourself and acquire new knowledge, you keep your work dynamic and stimulating, preventing monotony from setting in.

Variety and creativity: Passion-driven work often involves creative expression and allows for a range of possibilities. In writing, you can explore diverse formats, such as articles, essays, short stories, or poetry, and delve into various subject matters. This variety keeps your work fresh and exciting, reducing the likelihood of monotony.

Autonomy and flexibility: When you pursue a passion in your job or business, you may have more control over your work environment and schedule. This autonomy and flexibility allow you to tailor your work to suit your preferences and work style. You can experiment, set your own goals, and structure your tasks in ways that keep you engaged and motivated.

Sense of purpose and impact: Engaging in work that aligns with your passion provides a sense of purpose and meaning. When you can see the impact of your writing, whether it's informing, inspiring, or entertaining others, it enhances your satisfaction and helps you overcome feelings of monotony. Knowing that your work has value and positively influences others can be highly fulfilling.

Continuous personal development: Pursuing a passion requires continuous personal growth and self-improvement. You may seek out workshops, courses, or networking opportunities within your field to enhance your knowledge and skills. This ongoing development keeps your work stimulating and prevents stagnation.

It's important to note that even when you're pursuing your passion, challenges and occasional moments of monotony may still arise. However, overall, choosing a job or business aligned with your passion significantly increases the likelihood of finding fulfillment, staying motivated, and avoiding a monotonous routine.

Adopt a hobby which you like most:

Adopting a hobby is indeed an excellent way to break the monotony of daily routines and inject excitement and variety into your life. Hobbies offer an opportunity to explore new interests, engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation, and provide a much-needed break from work or other responsibilities. Here's a detailed explanation of how hobbies can help decrease monotony:

Mental and emotional refreshment: Engaging in a hobby allows you to shift your focus and immerse yourself in an activity that brings you pleasure and satisfaction. Painting, playing an instrument, gardening, or cooking, for example, can be absorbing and provide a sense of escape from everyday worries and stressors. This mental and emotional refreshment helps rejuvenate your mind, reducing the feelings of monotony.

Creativity and self-expression: Hobbies often involve creative expression and allow you to tap into your imagination. Painting, drawing, or crafting, for instance, enable you to explore your artistic side and express your thoughts and emotions visually. Engaging in creative activities fosters a sense of personal fulfillment and helps break free from the repetitive nature of daily routines.

Learning and personal growth: Hobbies offer an opportunity for continuous learning and personal development. When you adopt a new hobby, you acquire new skills, knowledge, and perspectives. For instance, learning to play a musical instrument or exploring new recipes while cooking can broaden your horizons and stimulate your mind. The process of learning and growing through your hobby keeps your life dynamic and prevents monotony from setting in.

Stress reduction and relaxation: Hobbies serve as a form of stress relief and relaxation. Engaging in activities you enjoy, such as gardening or practicing yoga, can help you unwind, alleviate stress, and promote a sense of well-being. By creating dedicated time for your hobby, you create a balance in your life, which can prevent feelings of monotony and burnout.

Social connection and community: Hobbies can also provide opportunities for social interaction and connection. Joining clubs, groups, or online communities centered around your hobby allows you to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build new relationships. The social aspect of hobbies adds an extra layer of enjoyment and breaks the monotony of solitary routines.

Sense of accomplishment and purpose: Hobbies often involve setting goals and working towards achieving them. Whether it's completing a painting, mastering a difficult musical piece, or successfully growing plants in your garden, the sense of accomplishment and purpose derived from your hobby can boost your self-confidence and motivation. This sense of purpose helps combat monotony by providing a fulfilling and meaningful activity outside of your regular responsibilities.

Make a friendly environment in your workspace:

A friendly and positive work environment can indeed have a significant impact on how you feel about your job and help reduce monotony. When colleagues are supportive, relationships are positive, and the overall atmosphere is conducive to happiness and productivity, it can create a more engaging and fulfilling work experience. Here's a detailed explanation of how a positive work environment can reduce monotony:

Increased motivation and job satisfaction: A positive work environment fosters higher levels of motivation and job satisfaction. When you feel valued, respected, and supported by your colleagues and supervisors, you are more likely to have a positive attitude towards your work. This sense of appreciation and satisfaction helps combat feelings of monotony, making each day more enjoyable and rewarding.

Collaboration and teamwork: A friendly work environment encourages collaboration and teamwork. When employees feel comfortable and supported by their colleagues, they are more likely to engage in open communication, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. This collaborative spirit brings a sense of purpose and engagement to the work, breaking the monotony of individual tasks and creating a more dynamic and stimulating atmosphere.

Celebrations and social interactions: Creating opportunities for celebrations and social interactions within the workplace can inject fun and excitement into the daily routine. Organizing team outings, celebrating birthdays or achievements, or planning occasional social events can foster camaraderie and create positive memories. These interactions help break the monotony by providing a change of pace and allowing colleagues to connect on a more personal level.

Comfortable and inspiring workspace: The physical workspace plays a crucial role in creating a positive work environment. Designing a workspace that is comfortable, well-lit, and aesthetically pleasing can contribute to a positive mood and overall well-being. Additionally, incorporating elements of inspiration and creativity, such as motivational quotes, artwork, or plants, can help combat monotony by providing visual stimulation and a sense of positivity.

Supportive leadership: Positive work environments are often fostered by supportive leadership. When leaders are approachable, supportive, and provide clear communication, it helps create a culture of trust and collaboration. Supportive leaders also recognize the importance of work-life balance, encourage professional growth, and provide opportunities for skill development. This supportive leadership style helps employees feel engaged, valued, and motivated, reducing the likelihood of monotony.

Flexibility and autonomy: A positive work environment may also include elements of flexibility and autonomy. When employees have some level of control over their schedules, work methods, or decision-making processes, it can increase motivation and engagement. Having the freedom to personalize work routines and approaches can help combat monotony by providing a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Try to do your work in a different way:

You can break the monotony of your work by trying to do it differently. For example, you can change your work schedule, delegate tasks to others, or switch up your routine.

Try to enjoy your work:

When you enjoy your work, it becomes less monotonous. Focus on the parts of your job that you enjoy and try to find ways to do more of it.

Don't overwork:

Overworking can indeed lead to burnout and contribute to feelings of monotony. Taking breaks and maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your overall well-being and productivity. Here's a detailed explanation of why it's important to avoid overworking and the benefits of taking breaks:

Preventing burnout: Burnout is a state of chronic exhaustion, physical and emotional detachment, and reduced accomplishment. It often occurs when individuals consistently work long hours without adequate rest or recovery. Overworking can deplete your energy, diminish your motivation, and erode your overall job satisfaction. By taking breaks and avoiding overworking, you give yourself the opportunity to recharge and prevent burnout.

Enhancing productivity and focus: Continuous work without breaks can actually decrease productivity and efficiency. Our brains require regular periods of rest to maintain optimal cognitive functioning. By taking short breaks or engaging in activities outside of work, you allow your mind to rest and recharge. This, in turn, improves concentration, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, making your work more effective and reducing the risk of monotony.

Maintaining physical and mental health: Overworking can have detrimental effects on your physical and mental health. Lack of rest and recovery can lead to increased stress levels, sleep deprivation, weakened immune system, and a higher risk of developing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. By taking breaks, engaging in physical activity, and pursuing activities unrelated to work, you prioritize your well-being and mitigate the negative impact of overworking.

Gaining perspective and new ideas: Stepping away from work allows you to gain perspective and fresh insights. Taking breaks gives your mind the freedom to wander, facilitating creative thinking and problem-solving. When you return to your work after a break, you may approach tasks with a renewed sense of clarity and generate new ideas, breaking the monotony and bringing a fresh perspective to your work.

Improving work-life balance: Overworking often disrupts work-life balance, leaving little time for personal interests, hobbies, and relationships. Neglecting these areas can lead to feelings of monotony and dissatisfaction. By setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and taking regular breaks, you create a healthier work-life balance. This balance allows you to engage in activities outside of work that bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of variety to your life, reducing monotony.

Take vacations:

Taking a break from work can help you recharge and come back refreshed. Plan vacations or short weekend getaways to break up the monotony of your daily routine.

Make friends in your workspace:

Having friends in your workplace can make work more enjoyable and less monotonous. You can share your thoughts, interests, and ideas with your colleagues and collaborate on work projects.

Talk to your loved ones during breaks:

Talking to your loved ones during work breaks can help you feel more connected and less monotonous. You can call your family or friends during breaks to take your mind off work.

Think about the last time you enjoyed yourself:

When you feel monotonous, think about the last time you enjoyed yourself. Recall the happy memories of your past experiences and try to recreate them in your present.

Keep inspiring things around you:

Keeping inspiring things like motivational quotes, pictures, or posters around you can help you stay motivated and break the monotony of your work.

Accept the truth that stress is part of your work:

Accepting that stress is a part of your work can help you cope with the monotony of your job. You can find ways to manage your stress levels and create a more positive outlook towards your work.

Feel lucky that you have work:

Gratitude can help you feel less monotonous and more content with your work. Count your blessings and be grateful for having a job and earning a living.

Adopt a fitness exercise every day:

Adopting a fitness routine can help you feel more energized and less monotonous. You can go for a run, do yoga, or join a fitness class to break the monotony of your daily routine.

Do meditation or yoga every morning:

Meditation and yoga can help you start your day on a positive note and break the monotony of your daily routine. You can meditate or do yoga every morning to help you relax and focus.


How to control your emotions?

Controlling emotions can be challenging because they arise based on internal and external circumstances, and can manifest as joy, anger, anxiety, sadness, surprise, fear, or disgust. For most people, controlling one or two of these emotions can be problematic. However, suppressing emotions is not a solution, as they are a natural form of energy that needs to be expressed.

If you cannot control your anger, for example, you may end up lashing out at others or causing unnecessary conflict. Similarly, if you cannot control your fear, you may become anxious about every problem and stressor, while if you cannot control your joy, you may find yourself laughing or feeling overly happy about things that others may not find as significant. Trying to suppress emotions may lead to them resurfacing in unexpected ways. For instance, if you are angry about relationship issues with your partner and try to suppress that emotion, it may come out at work or with friends and family.

Suppressing emotions repeatedly may even lead to depression. While it can be difficult to control emotions, it's essential to find healthy ways to express them and manage their impact on our lives.

There are a few techniques, which can control your emotions

Observe your emotions if you can:

Observing and controlling your emotions is not an easy task, but it is an important skill to develop. It requires practice and patience, and it starts with being aware of your emotions. When you experience an emotion, take a moment to acknowledge it and understand why you feel that way. It's okay to feel angry, anxious, or afraid, but it's important to manage those emotions so that they don't control you.

Let's say you had a heated argument with someone. After cooling down, take some time to reflect on the reason for your anger. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, or perhaps the other person said something hurtful. Whatever the reason, try to identify it so that you can manage your emotions the next time you're in a similar situation. You can do this by using techniques such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break to calm down.

Similarly, let's take the example of fear, specifically fear of exams. This is a common fear that many students experience, and it can be overwhelming and debilitating. However, it's important to remember that fear is a natural response to a challenging situation. Instead of letting fear control you, try to reframe your thinking and motivate yourself with positivity. For example, you can remind yourself of your past successes, focus on your strengths, and set realistic goals for yourself. You can also break down your studying into manageable tasks and reward yourself for each accomplishment.

It's important to acknowledge your emotions and understand why you feel that way. Once you have identified your emotions, you can use techniques to manage them, such as deep breathing or positive self-talk. By practicing these skills, you can learn to control your emotions and prevent them from controlling you.

Yoga and meditation:

Yoga and meditation can have a great impact on your emotions. Yoga is easier than meditation, as you focus on your breath while maintaining a particular physical posture. Doing yoga early in the morning can have a positive impact on your mind and body. It is important to wear comfortable clothing and to be trained by a professional yoga instructor. Yoga not only relaxes your mind, but also your body. Meditation, on the other hand, requires consistency and discipline. If you are a disciplined person, you can start doing meditation after taking training from a professional.

" The moment you start controlling your emotions, you can Control your world.


It is true that some medications can affect your emotions and cause changes in your mood and behavior. This is because medications can affect the chemistry of your brain and alter the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which are responsible for regulating emotions.

Some medications that can affect your emotions include antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and stimulants. For example, antidepressants are commonly used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions, but they can sometimes cause side effects such as irritability, agitation, and anger. Similarly, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers are used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, but they can also cause side effects such as emotional blunting, apathy, and lethargy.

If you are taking medications and experiencing changes in your emotions, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider about your symptoms. Your provider may adjust your dosage or switch you to a different medication that has fewer side effects. It is also important to avoid stopping your medication suddenly without consulting your healthcare provider, as this can lead to withdrawal symptoms and other complications.

In addition, it is a good idea to monitor your emotions and keep a journal of any changes or patterns you notice. This can help you and your healthcare provider better understand how your medication is affecting you and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Stay away from bad habits:

Alcohol, smoking, and gambling are habits that can have a significant impact on a person's emotional state. These habits can release certain chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine, that can create an imbalance in emotions. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in pleasure, motivation, and reward. When released, it can create a feeling of euphoria and happiness. However, when these habits become addictive, the brain begins to rely on them to release dopamine, leading to an imbalance in emotions.

Alcohol is a depressant that slows down the central nervous system, affecting judgment, coordination, and decision-making. It can lead to aggressive behavior, irrational thinking, and poor impulse control, which can cause problems in personal and professional relationships. Prolonged alcohol use can also lead to depression and anxiety, making it harder for a person to control their emotions.

Smoking, on the other hand, releases nicotine, which stimulates the release of dopamine, creating a pleasurable feeling in the brain. However, nicotine is highly addictive, and when a person tries to quit smoking, they can experience intense cravings, irritability, and anxiety. These symptoms can make a person feel emotionally unstable and affect their relationships and work performance.

Gambling is another habit that can affect a person's emotional state. It can release dopamine, creating a feeling of excitement and anticipation. However, when a person becomes addicted to gambling, they may experience negative emotions such as guilt, shame, and anxiety. This can lead to emotional instability and affect a person's relationships, work, and financial stability.

In conclusion, it is essential to recognize the impact that these habits can have on our emotional state. Avoiding or limiting these habits can help maintain emotional balance and improve overall well-being. If someone is struggling with addiction or feels that they cannot control their emotions, seeking help from a healthcare professional or therapist can be beneficial.

Make sure you are eating the right food:

It is true that the food we consume has an impact on our emotions and overall well-being. As you mentioned, in earlier times, people had a balanced and nutritious diet which provided them with all the necessary nutrients. But with the advent of fast food and processed food, people have become accustomed to consuming unhealthy food which lacks essential nutrients and is high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Such food can lead to health problems like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even affect our emotional well-being.

Spicy and fried foods can increase our body temperature and make us irritable and impatient. Similarly, consuming excessive meat can lead to heart problems and make us less compassionate as we may consume the negative emotions of the animal. On the other hand, a plant-based diet can have a calming effect on our mind and body as it provides us with all the essential nutrients and is easy to digest.

The concept of chakras is a traditional Indian belief system, where it is believed that our body has seven energy centers or chakras that are responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The moon chakra or Svadisthana chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with our emotions and creativity. Consuming healthy food, drinking plenty of water, and practicing yoga and meditation can help balance this chakra and promote emotional stability and creativity.

It is important to be mindful of what we eat and how it impacts our physical and emotional health. Consuming a balanced and nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in physical activities like yoga and meditation can help us maintain emotional balance and overall well-being.

Praying God:

Prayer can be a powerful tool for emotional control, regardless of one's religious beliefs. Many people find that prayer helps them to connect with a higher power or a sense of spirituality, and this connection can provide them with a sense of peace, purpose, and inner strength. When someone prays regularly with devotion, they may experience a shift in their perspective, a greater sense of gratitude, and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. This can lead to greater emotional control, as they become more aware of their thoughts and feelings, and learn to manage them more effectively.

While atheists may not believe in a higher power or deity, they can still find ways to connect with their inner selves and develop emotional control. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help people to focus on the present moment and cultivate a sense of inner peace and calm. Similarly, therapy and self-reflection can help people to identify and address the underlying causes of their emotional struggles.

It's important to note that there is no one "right" way to pray or develop emotional control. What works for one person may not work for another, and it's up to each individual to find the approach that resonates with them. Some people may find that a religious practice or community provides the structure and support they need to develop their emotional control, while others may prefer to work on their own, using tools like self-help books, apps, or online resources.

Regardless of the approach, the key to developing emotional control is consistency and commitment. Practicing regularly, even when it's difficult or uncomfortable, can help people to build new habits and develop a greater sense of inner strength and resilience. With time and practice, emotional control can become a natural and effortless part of daily life, helping people to navigate challenges, build stronger relationships, and live more fulfilling lives.

Maintain a journal and start writing every day about your activities:

Maintaining a journal is a great way to keep track of your daily activities, thoughts, and emotions. It can help you identify patterns in your behavior and identify triggers that may be causing negative emotions. By writing in your journal regularly, you can gain insight into your emotions and develop strategies to better manage them.

To start a journal, find a quiet place where you can write without interruptions. You can use a notebook, a digital app, or any other medium that works for you. Begin by writing about your day, including any significant events, interactions, or emotions you experienced. Be honest with yourself and write down how you truly feel, even if it may be uncomfortable or difficult.

As you continue to journal, you may start to notice patterns in your behavior or emotions. For example, you may find that you are consistently feeling anxious after certain types of interactions or events. This awareness can help you develop strategies to cope with those triggers, such as practicing relaxation techniques or seeking support from others.

Additionally, journaling can serve as a tool for reflection and personal growth. As you read back through your entries, you may gain new insights and perspectives on your experiences. This can help you identify areas where you want to improve and set goals for personal development.

Overall, maintaining a journal can be a powerful tool for managing emotions and promoting self-awareness. By taking the time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, you can develop a deeper understanding of yourself and better navigate the challenges of daily life.

“There is only one person in this world who understands you,

who takes care of you, who never hurts you, and who is there till your breathe and it is you.

Start learning music:

Our body is filled with nearly 70 percent of water and every sound we hear will impact our emotions.

Learning music can have a positive impact on your emotions and overall well-being. As mentioned, the vibrations of sound from music can affect our emotions and even physical sensations. When we learn to play a musical instrument, we become more in tune with these vibrations and can use them to our advantage.

Playing music also requires focus and concentration, which can help us to stay in the present moment and reduce stress and anxiety. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle with emotional regulation.

Additionally, learning music can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem as we improve and master new skills. This can lead to greater confidence and a more positive outlook on life.

Overall, incorporating music into your daily routine can have many benefits for your emotional and mental well-being. Whether it's learning to play an instrument or simply listening to music, give it a try and see how it impacts your mood and emotions.

Identify vitamin deficiency in your body:

It is true that vitamin deficiencies can impact our emotions and overall health. Vitamins are essential for proper bodily functions, including the production of neurotransmitters that affect our mood and emotions. For example, Vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating our mood and emotions. Deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Similarly, Vitamin B6 is also important for our emotional well-being as it is involved in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate our mood and emotions.

To identify any vitamin deficiency in your body, it is recommended to consult a doctor or a registered dietitian. They can help you to understand which vitamins you may be lacking and can provide guidance on how to get the recommended daily intake of vitamins through food or supplements. A blood test may also be performed to check your vitamin levels.

It is important to note that while taking supplements can help to address deficiencies, it is not a replacement for a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients is the best way to ensure that you are meeting your daily vitamin requirements.

Stay away from caffeine:

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase alertness and energy levels, but it can also have negative effects on emotional balance and mental health. Caffeine consumption can cause jitters, anxiety, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. It can also increase heart rate and blood pressure, which can further exacerbate emotional imbalances. For individuals who struggle with emotional regulation or anger issues, avoiding or reducing caffeine intake may be helpful in achieving better emotional control. Caffeine is often found in coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, and chocolate, so it is important to be aware of the sources of caffeine in your diet. If you do decide to reduce your caffeine intake, it may be helpful to do so gradually, as sudden withdrawal can cause symptoms such as headaches and fatigue.

Stay away from social media and addictive games:

Social media and addictive games can have a significant impact on our emotions and mental health. Research has shown that excessive use of social media can lead to anxiety, depression, and feelings of loneliness and isolation. Similarly, addictive games can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, creating a cycle of addiction and a constant need for stimulation.

The constant use of these platforms can also create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out), which can cause feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. It's important to take breaks from social media and limit the amount of time spent playing addictive games. This will allow you to disconnect and focus on other activities that can be beneficial for your emotional and mental health.

By taking a break from social media and addictive games, you can free up time to engage in activities that promote well-being, such as exercise, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing hobbies that bring you joy. This can help create a better balance in your life and prevent emotional imbalances caused by excessive screen time.


Should we focus on our strengths or weakness?

"Every human being has strengths and weaknesses, and not only humans but also every living organism possesses strengths and weaknesses. However, few successful people are completely aware of their strengths and weaknesses. I strongly believe that people who are facing failures and struggling to reach their goals might not be aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

You might ask me whether knowing your strengths and weaknesses is mandatory. My answer would be yes, because if you are not aware of your strengths and weaknesses, how can you select a task or goal? For example, let's say you have a weakness in managing stress, and you apply for a job in the sales field, which is a very stressful job. Would you be able to manage your stress? I am sure you would struggle to manage your stress and could face problems in your profession.

On the other hand, if you were completely aware of your strengths and weaknesses, then I am sure you would avoid a sales job and instead go for a less stressful job."

There are two types of successful people in this world, one who only focuses on their strengths’ and achieve what they want and another type of people who overcome their weaknesses and transform their weakness to strengths. I will try to explain you both with benfits and examples, so that you can decide which side you want to be.

Benefits to focusing on your strengths

Greater sense of fulfilment and satisfaction: When you focus on your strengths, you are likely to experience a greater sense of fulfilment and satisfaction in your work and personal life. This is because you are able to use your natural talents and abilities to achieve success and make a meaningful contribution.

Increased confidence and self-esteem: Focusing on your strengths can also lead to increased confidence and self-esteem. When you feel competent and successful in a particular area, it can boost your overall sense of self-worth and make you more resilient in the face of challenges.

Better performance: By focusing on your strengths, you are able to develop your skills and abilities to a higher level, which can lead to better performance and greater success in your work or personal life.

However, there are also some challenges to focusing exclusively on your strengths:

Neglecting weaknesses: If you focus exclusively on your strengths, you may neglect to address areas where you need improvement. This can limit your growth and development, and may ultimately hold you back from achieving your full potential.

Limited versatility: Focusing exclusively on your strengths may also limit your versatility and adaptability. For example, if you are a talented writer but struggle with public speaking, you may miss out on opportunities to present your ideas in front of a live audience.

For example, I still remember an actor who was very good at delivering angry dialogues in South Indian cinema. He achieved fame and success with his angry dialogues in his movies, and he considered it his strength. He used his strength in the next few films, but his movies became failures due to his repetition of the same emotion. People lost interest in him, and in the end, he became a debacle.

The reason behind his failure was that for sustain success in the entertainment industry, actors need to be versatile and multi-dimensional. Audiences want to see a range of emotions and performances from their favorite stars, not just the same thing over and over again. In this particular case, the actor could have focused on improving his comedic timing, honing his dancing skills, and exploring different emotional ranges in his performances to avoid being typecast and to keep his audience engaged.

Additionally, as an artist, it's important to challenge oneself and take on roles that push you out of your comfort zone. By exploring different genres and styles of acting, an actor can develop a diverse range of skills that will help them stand out and remain relevant in the industry.

If he wanted a long term success then he should have focused on his weak areas like doing comedy, dance and emotional acting.So,this example is clear what happens if you focus only on your strengths.

Benfits of Working on your weaknesses:

There are also several benefits to working on your weaknesses:

Well-roundedness: By addressing your weaknesses, you can become a more well-rounded and versatile individual. This can help you navigate a wider range of situations and challenges, and may open up new opportunities for success.

Overcoming barriers to success: Addressing your weaknesses can also help you overcome barriers to success. For example, if you struggle with time management, working on this weakness can help you become more productive and efficient in your work.

However, there are also challenges to working on your weaknesses:

Frustration and discomfort: Working on your weaknesses can be frustrating and uncomfortable, particularly if you are not making progress as quickly as you would like. This can be discouraging and may cause you to give up before you see results.

For example:

If you have a tendency to avoid difficult conversations, working on improving your communication skills may require you to confront uncomfortable emotions such as fear, anxiety, or vulnerability.

Time and effort: Addressing your weaknesses requires time and effort, which may take away from other areas of your life. This can be particularly challenging if you are already struggling to balance your personal and professional responsibilities.

For example:

If you have a weakness that affects others (e.g. poor listening skills), you may encounter resistance or defensiveness from those around you when you try to make changes.


Focusing solely on your strengths can limit your growth and development in areas where you may be lacking. By ignoring your weaknesses, you may miss opportunities to improve and learn new skills that could be beneficial to you in both your personal and professional life.

On the other hand, if you only focus on your weaknesses, it can lead to feelings of frustration and discouragement, which may cause you to give up too quickly. It's important to strike a balance between working on your strengths and your weaknesses.

Additionally, as you mentioned, in today's highly competitive world and the era of AI, it's important to be adaptable and flexible to changes around us. Machines and technology are constantly evolving, and it's important to keep up with these changes to remain relevant in the job market.

By focusing on both your strengths and weaknesses, you can develop a well-rounded set of skills that can help you navigate through these changes and stay ahead of the curve. It's important to be open to learning and improving, no matter where you are in your career or personal life, it's important to strike a balance between the two. By doing so, you can develop a diverse

For example, let's say you're a business owner who has a natural talent for sales, but you struggle with time management. If you only focus on your strengths and continue to excel in sales, you may eventually become overwhelmed by the demands of the job and neglect important tasks such as managing your finances or keeping track of inventory.

On the other hand, if you only focus on your weakness of time management and neglect your strength in sales, your business may suffer as you struggle to bring in new clients and generate revenue.

However, if you take the time to address your weakness and improve your time management skills while still using your natural talent for sales to drive your business, you'll be in a much better position to succeed. You'll be able to manage your time more effectively, stay on top of important tasks, and still excel in sales. This balanced approach will ultimately lead to a more successful and sustainable business.


Revenge is not the solution in a relationship

Human beings are social creatures, and we interact with many different types of people throughout our lives. Some of these relationships are positive, while others can be difficult and even hurtful. When someone we care about hurts us, the emotional pain can be intense, and it's not uncommon for us to feel anger or a desire for revenge.

The intensity of the hurt can vary from person to person, and the way we respond to it can also differ. Some individuals may choose to distance themselves from the person who hurt them, while others may try to talk through their feelings and repair the relationship. However, when the hurt is particularly severe, individuals may become more aggressive and seek revenge.

One of the most common situations in which people may become revengeful is when their romantic partner cheats on them or leaves them for someone else. In these situations, the pain of betrayal can be overwhelming, and the individual may feel a strong desire to hurt the other person in return.

Similarly, when a partner breaks their trust in some way, such as lying or being unfaithful, the person who was hurt may feel a strong urge to seek revenge. They may feel that they need to restore their sense of power or control in the relationship, and retaliating against their partner can feel like the only way to do so.

However, it's important to note that revenge rarely leads to long-term satisfaction or healing. Instead, it often perpetuates a cycle of hurt and harm, creating more pain and suffering for both parties involved.

“ In the journey of taking revenge on the person who has hurt

you, soon or later you will transform like them.

Things to do for avoiding revengeful behaviour in you

Accept the fact that your partner has left you:

It's important to acknowledge that your partner made a conscious decision to end the relationship. This can be a difficult reality to accept, but it's necessary to move forward. Recognize that you cannot change your partner's decision and focus on your own healing process.

For example:

Imagine you've been in a relationship with your partner for several years and you've built a life together. One day, your partner tells you that they no longer want to be with you and want to end the relationship. You feel shocked and devastated, and you don't want to believe that this is really happening.

However, it's important to accept that your partner has made a conscious decision to end the relationship. It's not easy to come to terms with this fact, but it's necessary to move forward. Instead of dwelling on what could have been or trying to change your partner's mind, focus on your own healing process. Seek support from friends and family, take time for self-care, and work on rebuilding your life without your partner. By accepting the reality of the situation, you can begin to heal and move on from the relationship.

" Problems in your life arise on the day you are born and continue till your death.

All you need to do is accept your problems and find solutions.

Be merciful towards your partner:

Being merciful towards your partner means that you choose to forgive them for any pain or hurt they may have caused you. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are condoning their actions or that you have forgotten what they have done. Rather, forgiveness is a choice to release the negative emotions you are holding towards your partner and to move forward in a positive way.

When you choose to forgive your partner, you are taking control of your own emotions and reactions. Instead of holding onto anger and resentment, you are choosing to let go of negative emotions and focusing on your own healing process. This can be a powerful tool for healing and can help you move forward in a positive direction.

Forgiveness can also have a positive impact on your partner. By showing them mercy, you may be able to help them heal as well. They may feel remorse for their actions and by forgiving them, you can help them move forward as well.

It's important to note that forgiveness is a process and it's not always easy. It may take time and effort to work through your feelings and to truly forgive your partner. However, by choosing to forgive, you are taking a positive step towards healing and moving forward.

For example: Let's say you were in a committed relationship with your partner and you had built a life together. However, you discovered that your partner had been unfaithful to you. You feel hurt, angry, and betrayed. You have two choices - to hold onto those negative emotions or to choose to forgive your partner.

Choosing to forgive your partner means that you acknowledge their mistake but also recognize that they are human and capable of making mistakes. You choose to let go of the anger and resentment you feel towards them and focus on moving forward in a positive direction. It may not be easy, but by choosing to forgive, you can release negative emotions and begin the healing process.

By showing mercy towards your partner, you may also be able to help them heal. They may feel guilty for their actions and by forgiving them, you can help them move forward and work on rebuilding the relationship. While it may not always be possible to salvage the relationship, forgiveness can still be a powerful tool for healing and moving on.

Control your anger:

Transforming pain into anger is a natural response, but it can be harmful if left unchecked. Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to calm your mind and release negative emotions. By staying calm and composed, you can make rational decisions and avoid acting out of anger.I have seen so many people in my life who become more agitated and take rash decisions towards their partner who has hurt you.One to remember is that when you hold or resist your anger for longer periods then it can either lead to depression or frustration.

Let's say your partner has cheated on you, and you feel hurt and angry. You may have an urge to lash out at them or do something rash. However, instead of acting on this anger, you decide to practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing and meditation. You take some time to calm yourself down and gain perspective on the situation.

As you begin to release your negative emotions, you start to realize that acting out of anger will only make things worse. You begin to see that your partner's actions are a reflection of their own issues and not a reflection of your worth as a person. You decide to take some time for yourself, to focus on your own healing and personal growth.

By staying calm and composed, you are able to make rational decisions that will help you move forward in a positive way. You avoid acting out of anger and hurting yourself or others in the process. Instead, you choose to focus on your own healing and happiness, which ultimately leads to a better outcome for everyone involved.

Let go of the past

Letting go of the past means that you stop dwelling on the things that have already happened and start living in the present moment. When you hold onto past hurt, betrayal, or disappointment, it can keep you stuck in a cycle of negative emotions that prevent you from moving forward. You might find yourself constantly replaying past events in your head, ruminating over what you could have done differently, or holding onto anger and resentment.

The first step to letting go of the past is to acknowledge that what has happened cannot be changed. No matter how much you wish things had turned out differently, you cannot go back in time and rewrite history. It can be helpful to focus on the things you can control in the present, such as your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

To release the hold of the past, it's important to practice self-compassion and forgiveness. This means acknowledging that mistakes and disappointments are a part of life, and that you are not alone in experiencing them. You can offer yourself kindness and understanding, and remind yourself that you are doing the best you can with the resources you have.

It can also be helpful to create new positive experiences that replace negative memories. This might mean trying new activities, meeting new people, or simply focusing on the present moment and enjoying the little things in life. By creating new positive experiences, you can shift your focus away from the past and towards a brighter future.

Remember, letting go of the past is not always easy and can take time. It's a process that requires patience, self-compassion, and perseverance. But with practice, you can learn to release the hold of the past and embrace the present moment with a sense of peace and positivity.

Stay positive and optimistic:

It may be difficult to remain positive and optimistic after a painful breakup, but it's important to keep an open mind and believe that good things are ahead of you. Focus on your personal growth and the things that make you happy. By staying positive, you will attract positivity into your life.

Avoid addictions:

Substance abuse or other forms of addiction can worsen your emotional state and lead you to make poor decisions. Avoid using drugs or alcohol to cope with your pain and seek help if necessary.

Instead, focus on healthy habits such as exercise, healthy eating, and self-care.

Usually in this type of situation few people adopt either start having addictions or release their emotions with the help of addictions. Which is completely wrong, I personally believe that most of the movies manipulate us by wrongly misguiding us to believe that addictions were the solutions for heart breaks, which is completely wrong.

Wish your partner well:

Even though your partner has hurt you, it's important to wish them happiness and success in their life. Holding onto resentment and anger will only cause more pain for you. By cultivating a sense of goodwill towards your ex-partner, you can release negative emotions and move forward. If you develop jealousy and possessiveness on your ex then you will be unable to move on and there are chances that you cannot be happy with your new partner as well.

Avoid social media stalking:

Constantly checking your ex's social media accounts can fuel your negative emotions and prevent you from moving on. Unfollow or block your ex on social media and focus on your own life and growth. By disconnecting from your ex, you can create space for positive energy and new experiences.

Accept that everything is temporary:

Relationships, like everything else in life, are temporary. Accepting this fact can help you let go of attachments and focus on enjoying the present moment. You cannot force someone to stay with you, but you can choose to cherish the time you had together and move forward with gratitude. By adopting a mindset of impermanence, you can live more fully in the moment and appreciate life's fleeting moments.

Be patient:

When you are in emotional pain then be patient because after your break up it could take time for you to become normal. But I am sure sooner or later you will come out of your emotional pain. The fact is that when you fall in love you might not think about the reason of falling in love but when you face a betrayal from your partner then you might think about the hundred’s of reasons behind your separation repetitively.


How to convince people?

Convincing people is a valuable skill that can be useful in many situations, such as in business, personal relationships, or any situation that requires negotiation or persuasion. Being able to effectively persuade someone can increase your chances of success and help you achieve your goals.

In a professional setting, convincing clients to buy your product or service is essential in the sales field. To do this, you need to be able to clearly explain the benefits of your product or service and how it can help solve your client's problem or meet their needs. It is important to listen to your client's concerns and objections and address them in a respectful and empathetic manner. By building a relationship with your client and understanding their needs, you can better tailor your pitch and increase your chances of success.

In personal relationships, being able to convince someone can help strengthen your relationship and resolve conflicts. It is important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding, and to clearly communicate your perspective and needs. It is also important to actively listen to the other person's perspective and find common ground to build a solution that works for both parties.

Overall, convincing people requires effective communication, active listening, empathy, and an understanding of the other person's needs and perspectives. It is a valuable skill that can help you achieve success and build strong relationships.

I still remember my manager when I was working in sales field, he was very good at convincing people. I have learned so many things from him. As for I remember he has convinced every client of our company in meeting.

To be good at convincing people, there are several important skills and traits that you should possess. Here are a few:

Few skills for convincing people


Convincing someone often takes time, and it's important to be patient and persistent in your efforts. You may need to present your case multiple times or address objections before the other person is willing to agree with you.

Example: Suppose you're trying to convince your boss to adopt a new project management system. Your boss may initially resist the idea, but by patiently explaining the benefits of the new system and addressing any concerns or objections, you may eventually convince them to give it a try.


To be convincing, you need to have a strong understanding of the topic you're discussing. This requires research and preparation, so that you can answer any questions and provide relevant examples and evidence.

Example: If you're trying to convince a potential customer to buy your product, you need to have a deep understanding of the product's features and benefits, as well as how it compares to similar products on the market.

Objection handling:

When trying to convince someone, it's important to be prepared for objections and concerns that they may raise. You need to be able to address these objections in a clear and persuasive way.

Example: If you're trying to convince a friend to join a gym with you, they may object that they don't have enough time or that they're not sure they'll enjoy it. You need to be able to address these objections by explaining how the gym can fit into their schedule and emphasizing the social and health benefits.

Control on your emotions:

When trying to convince someone, it's important to stay calm and composed, even if the other person becomes emotional or argumentative. If you lose your temper, it will be difficult to continue the conversation in a productive way.

Example: If you're trying to convince a co-worker to change their approach to a project, and they become defensive or hostile, it's important to stay calm and avoid escalating the situation. By staying focused on the issue at hand and avoiding personal attacks, you can keep the conversation constructive.


To be convincing, you need to have confidence in yourself and your ideas. This will help you communicate your message effectively and persuade others to see things from your perspective.

Example: If you're trying to convince a group of investors to fund your startup, you need to project confidence and enthusiasm for your idea. By demonstrating your knowledge and passion, you can persuade others to invest in your vision.

Understanding the person:

To be convincing, it's important to understand the person you're trying to convince. This requires active listening and empathy, so that you can tailor your message to their specific needs and concerns.

Example: If you're trying to convince a family member to take a more active role in managing their health, you need to understand their specific concerns and challenges. By listening to their fears and addressing them in a compassionate way, you can help motivate them to take action.

Use evidence and logic:

When making an argument, it's important to provide evidence and logical reasoning to support your position. This can include data, statistics, case studies, or expert opinions. Make sure to present your evidence in a clear and concise way that is easy for the person to understand.


If you are trying to convince a client to invest in a new marketing strategy, you might provide them with data on how the strategy has worked for similar companies in the past. You might also use logical reasoning to explain why the strategy is likely to be successful, such as by pointing out how it addresses specific challenges or targets a specific audience.

Stay calm and respectful:

Convincing someone can be a challenging and emotional process. It's important to stay calm and respectful, even if the person disagrees with you or becomes upset. Avoid personal attacks or becoming defensive. Instead, focus on the issue at hand and try to find common ground.


If you are trying to convince a family member to change a certain behavior, such as eating healthier or exercising more, it's important to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Instead of criticizing or lecturing them, try to express your concerns in a non-judgmental way and listen to their perspective. By staying calm and respectful, you are more likely to build trust and foster a constructive conversation.

Use examples and stories:

People are often more convinced by real-life examples and stories than by abstract arguments. Use examples and stories to illustrate your points and make your arguments more compelling. This can help people understand the practical implications of your argument and make it more relevant to their lives.


If you are trying to convince a friend to support a certain political candidate, you might use examples and stories to illustrate why you believe the candidate is the best choice. For example, you might share a story about how the candidate's policies have positively impacted a particular community or group of people. By using real-life examples and stories, you can help your friend connect with the candidate's message on a more personal level.


Don't search for an reflection

There is a quote which is called

"Don't search for a partner to be like you in your relationship because you can't live with a mirror"

In a romantic relationship, it is not ideal to seek out someone who is exactly like you. The reason for this is that if your partner is too similar to you, you may find that you are constantly reflecting your own flaws and insecurities back at yourself.

When we look into a mirror, we see an exact reflection of ourselves, flaws and all. If we were to be in a relationship with someone who is exactly like us, we might find that we are constantly being reminded of our own shortcomings. For example, if we are prone to being forgetful, and our partner is also forgetful, we might find that we are both constantly forgetting things and getting frustrated with each other.

Moreover, if both partners are the same, it can lead to a lack of diversity and growth in the relationship. In a relationship, it is important to have differences in order to learn from each other, and to challenge each other to grow. If both partners are too similar, they may become complacent and stop pushing themselves to try new things or to become better people.

In contrast, a relationship that has some differences can complement and balance each other out. If one partner is more outgoing, while the other is more introverted, they can learn from each other and help each other grow in those areas. Differences can also create opportunities for learning, personal development, and growth.

In a relationship, it's important to have some similarities with your partner. This is because shared values, interests, and goals can create a strong foundation for a relationship. For instance, if both partners have a shared passion for traveling, they may have a lot to talk about, plan trips together, and make memories that can strengthen their bond.

However, if both partners have exactly the same interests and personality traits, it can lead to a lack of diversity in the relationship. Diversity in a relationship is essential for growth and development because it can help each partner gain new perspectives, learn new things, and develop new skills.

Moreover, when partners have some differences, it creates opportunities for learning and personal development. For example, if one partner is more outgoing and the other is more introverted, the outgoing partner can teach the introverted partner how to be more sociable, while the introverted partner can help the outgoing partner learn how to enjoy quiet and reflective moments. By learning from each other's differences, partners can become more well-rounded individuals and develop a deeper appreciation for each other's unique qualities.

In summary, while it's important to have some similarities in a relationship, it's equally important to have differences. A relationship with too many similarities can be limiting and lead to complacency, whereas a relationship with some differences can be challenging, stimulating, and create opportunities for growth and personal development.

Here are some examples to illustrate the importance of having differences in a relationship:

Differences in Personality: One partner may be more introverted, while the other may be more extroverted. This can create a balance in the relationship and allow each partner to learn from the other's personality traits. The introverted partner may teach the extroverted partner how to appreciate quiet moments and reflect, while the extroverted partner can teach the introverted partner how to socialize and enjoy being around others.

Differences in Interests: One partner may have a passion for sports, while the other may enjoy art. These differences can provide opportunities for each partner to introduce the other to their interests, learn from each other, and even create new shared interests.

Differences in Communication Style: One partner may be more direct and to the point, while the other may be more indirect and diplomatic. These differences can help each partner develop better communication skills and learn how to adapt to different communication styles.

Differences in Background: One partner may come from a different cultural or ethnic background than the other. These differences can provide opportunities for each partner to learn about each other's traditions, customs, and beliefs. This can lead to a greater understanding and appreciation for each other's culture and background.

Differences in Skills: One partner may be better at cooking, while the other may be better at home repairs. These differences can create opportunities for each partner to learn new skills and even complement each other in their respective areas of strength.


In conclusion, differences in a relationship can be valuable and create opportunities for growth, learning, and development. It's important to appreciate and respect each other's differences and use them to enhance the relationship.

A healthy and fulfilling relationship requires partners who have enough similarities to create a strong bond, but enough differences to learn from each other and to grow together. Seeking out someone who is exactly like you may not be ideal because it can lead to a lack of diversity, growth, and personal development.


Always think that your weaknesses are like an opportunity in this world

When we view our weaknesses as opportunities, we can begin to reframe our mindset and use them to our advantage. Some times when we neglect our weakness then they might be an opportunity in this world. Whereas when we overcome our weakness then we can improve our success rate in our life.

I still remember there was an actor in 1990’s who became popular with his angry dialogues from his first film, but later on faced failures in his film career by not overcoming his weakness, which are dance and comedy. Because film songs and comedy were a priority for a successful commercial cinema at that time.

Here are a few ways in which viewing our weaknesses as opportunities can be helpful

Opportunity to learn: When we identify our weaknesses, it provides an opportunity for us to learn and improve in those areas. For example, if we struggle with public speaking, we can take courses or practice to improve our skills.

Opportunity for growth: By acknowledging our weaknesses, we can use them as opportunities for growth. We can challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and work on improving in areas where we are not as strong.

Opportunity for empathy: When we recognize our own weaknesses, it can help us be more empathetic towards others. We can relate to others who struggle in similar areas and offer support and understanding.

Opportunity for collaboration: When we acknowledge our weaknesses, it can help us identify areas where we may need support from others. This can lead to collaboration and teamwork, where individuals can work together to achieve a common goal.

To further explain, when we view our weaknesses as opportunities, it shifts our perspective from one of self-doubt and self-criticism to one of self-improvement and growth. Instead of feeling discouraged by our weaknesses, we can embrace them as a chance to improve ourselves and our skills.

For example, if we struggle with time management, we can view it as an opportunity to learn new time management techniques, such as using a planner or scheduling our day more effectively. This can not only help us become more productive, but it can also boost our confidence in our abilities.

Additionally, viewing weaknesses as opportunities can help us become more resilient in the face of setbacks. Instead of giving up when we encounter obstacles, we can see them as opportunities to learn and grow. This can help us develop a growth mindset, where we view challenges as opportunities to improve rather than as roadblocks.

Finally, when we view our weaknesses as opportunities, it can help us build stronger relationships with others. By acknowledging our weaknesses and seeking support from others, we can build deeper connections and collaborate with others to achieve shared goals.

In summary, viewing weaknesses as opportunities can help us shift our perspective, build resilience, and develop a growth mindset. It can also help us build stronger relationships and become more successful in our personal and professional lives.

Here are some examples :


Weakness: Public speaking anxiety

Opportunity: Joining a public speaking club or taking a course to improve public speaking skills. By doing so, you not only improve your public speaking skills, but you also develop confidence and can become more comfortable speaking in front of others.


Weakness: Lack of technical skills

Opportunity: Taking online courses or workshops to learn technical skills can help you fill the gaps in your knowledge and become more competitive in your field. You can also find a mentor who can guide you and share their expertise.


Weakness: Difficulty managing stress

Opportunity: Joining a yoga or meditation group, practicing mindfulness, or seeking the help of a therapist or counselor can help you learn how to manage stress and build resilience. This can help you cope with challenging situations and perform better in all areas of your life.


Weakness: Poor communication skills

Opportunity: Taking a communication course or working with a coach to improve communication skills can help you become a better listener, express yourself more clearly, and build stronger relationships with others. This can be especially valuable in a professional setting, where effective communication is essential for success.


By re-framing our mindset and viewing weaknesses as opportunities, we can shift our focus from the negative aspects of our weaknesses to the positive aspects and use them to our advantage. This can lead to personal growth, increased empathy, and collaboration with others.By viewing weaknesses as opportunities, we can take proactive steps to improve ourselves, become more resilient, and achieve our goals.


Happiness is not about what you have its about how you feel

Happiness is a subjective experience that cannot be measured by material possessions or external factors. It is an internal feeling that is based on one's emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. While material possessions and external factors may bring temporary pleasure or satisfaction, true happiness comes from within.

Happiness is about feeling positive emotions such as joy, contentment, and gratitude. It is about being present in the moment and appreciating the small things in life. When we focus on what we have and practice gratitude, we can cultivate happiness and contentment in our lives.

Happiness is also about having meaningful relationships and connections with others. When we feel loved and supported, it can bring us a great deal of happiness and fulfillment. This is why social support and meaningful relationships are important for our well-being.

Here are some examples that illustrate how happiness is about what you feel, not what you have:

Example-1:A person who has a lot of money, but feels unfulfilled and disconnected from others, may not feel happy. Conversely, a person who has a modest income but has close relationships and meaningful connections with others may feel much happier.

Example-2:A person who has achieved their lifelong career goal, but feels stressed and burnt out, may not feel happy. Whereas a person who is still working towards their career goals, but finds fulfillment and joy in their work, may feel much happier.

Example-3: A person who has a large house and a lot of material possessions, but feels lonely and disconnected, may not feel happy. In contrast, a person who has a small apartment and few material possessions, but is surrounded by a supportive community, may feel much happier.

Examples-4:A person who constantly compares themselves to others and focuses on what they don't have, may struggle to feel happy. Whereas a person who practices gratitude and focuses on what they do have, may feel much happier and content in their life.

A person who is dealing with a difficult situation, such as a health issue or a family problem, may struggle to feel happy. However, if they are able to find joy and meaning in other areas of their life, such as their hobbies or relationships, they may still be able to experience happiness despite their challenges.


Every bad situation will fade away in your life if you are calm and optimistic

Life is full of ups and downs, and we all go through difficult times at some point in our lives. It is natural to feel overwhelmed or anxious when we face challenging situations, but it is important to remember that every bad situation will eventually pass. Staying calm and optimistic can help us navigate these difficult times with more resilience and strength.

When we stay calm in the face of adversity, we are better able to think clearly and make good decisions. We can avoid making impulsive or emotional choices that may only worsen the situation. Instead, we can focus on finding solutions and taking practical steps to address the problem.

Optimism is also important because it helps us see the situation in a more positive light. When we believe that things will get better, we are more likely to feel hopeful and motivated to take action. We can approach the situation with a growth mindset, looking for opportunities to learn and grow from the experience.

Moreover, when we stay calm and optimistic, we are better able to manage our emotions and avoid getting caught up in negative thinking patterns. Negative thoughts can spiral out of control and make the situation seem worse than it really is. By staying positive, we can maintain a sense of perspective and keep things in proportion.

Of course, it's not always easy to stay calm and optimistic during difficult times. It takes practice and effort to cultivate these qualities, but it is possible with time and patience.

Here are a few tips to help you stay calm and optimistic during tough times

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation can help you stay present in the moment and avoid getting caught up in negative thoughts. It can also help you develop a sense of calm and inner peace.

Focus on gratitude: Even during difficult times, there are things to be grateful for. Take time each day to focus on the positive things in your life, whether it's the support of loved ones, the beauty of nature, or the simple pleasures of life.

Take action: When you feel overwhelmed by a difficult situation, it can help to take practical steps to address the problem. Even small steps can help you feel more in control and empowered.

Seek support: It's important to reach out to others for help and support when you're going through a tough time. Whether it's a friend, family member, or professional counselor, talking to someone can help you feel less alone and more supported.

In summary, staying calm and optimistic can help us navigate difficult times with more resilience and strength. By cultivating these qualities, we can approach challenging situations with a sense of hope and confidence, knowing that every bad situation will eventually fade away.

Here are some examples that illustrate how staying calm and optimistic can help us overcome difficult situations:

Job loss: Losing a job can be a stressful and upsetting experience. However, staying calm and optimistic can help you navigate this challenge with resilience. Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, focus on the opportunities that may arise from this situation. Perhaps this is a chance to explore a new career path, learn new skills, or start your own business.

Relationship breakup: A breakup can be a painful and emotional experience. However, staying calm and optimistic can help you heal and move forward. Rather than dwelling on the past, focus on the present moment and the positive aspects of your life. Use this time to focus on self-care, reconnect with friends and family, and pursue your interests and hobbies.

Health issues: Dealing with a health issue can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. However, staying calm and optimistic can help you cope with the stress and uncertainty of the situation. Focus on the things you can control, such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and following your doctor's recommendations. Stay positive and believe in your ability to overcome the challenges.

Financial difficulties: Facing financial difficulties can be stressful and overwhelming. However, staying calm and optimistic can help you find solutions and stay motivated. Focus on creating a budget and finding ways to reduce expenses. Look for opportunities to earn extra income or explore new job opportunities. Believe in your ability to overcome the challenges and create a brighter financial future.

Academic challenges: Struggling with academic challenges can be frustrating and discouraging. However, staying calm and optimistic can help you overcome the obstacles and achieve your goals. Focus on creating a study plan and seeking help from teachers or tutors. Believe in your ability to learn and improve, and stay positive even when you encounter setbacks.